Steven King's "It" hurting the clown business

you may be interested in “The last Circus”, a Spanish movie which I enjoy.

I am not sure that my embedded video will show, so, here is the link

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That’s interesting. I’d think that movie violence’s resemblance to industrial accidents (as opposed to not-likely, sci-fi eye-candy action) would be seen as a beneficial ‘teaching tool’ for the young, sort of like showing graphic images of torn bodies to traffic school miscreants.


Don’t get me wrong; I’m certain that ‘coulrophobia’ existed long before the 70’s and Gacy’s killing spree; I’m just saying that sure it didn’t help any.

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No mention from the Big Clown lobbyists about the Kleptocratic Klown in Kontrol? The orange buffon can’t be doing anything that benefits clown’s reputations.

And you forgot the classic (turd) that is The Worst Witch


I don’t think they’re WCA members, though. A lot of times they don’t even wear clown outfits anymore, and they call themselves bullfighters instead of clowns.

Comment/avatar synergy checks out.

I blame Ronald McDonald.

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Anyone who grew up watching Bozo’s Circus on WHDH-TV and later syndicated to areas which did not produce their own Bozo Show is probably not scared of clowns.

The only way Puddles works is if he is as good as he is. Anything less than a completely stellar talent – which he is – would be make his whole thing unwatchable and cringe inducing. But it’s downright beautiful.

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Bozo appearing on screen was the queue to turn the TV off.


That song and the video are in fact amazingly terrible, but that sure is some vintage unfiltered Tim Curry right there.


I love Puddles and am so sorry he didn’t get further on America’s Got Talent because, damn, he’s got talent, but let’s not forget Emmett Kelly who rushed to help during the terrible Hartford fire.



I was just a kid, but got to see Emmett Kelly do his Weary Willie bit in a special performance for a Ringling/Barnum show in Wichita. I loved clowns more than anything else at the circus.


I actually enjoy watching The Worst Witch, its terribad but it amuses me. Also speaking of vintage Tim Curry, he was in a Myst type game back in the early CD-ROM gaming days. The game features a lot of live action video as part of the gameplay, i don’t believe i beat the game as a kid but i do recall getting fairly far.

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It properly gave me the willies when I read it as a teen. Years later, the movie just never came close for me. Maybe modern production values can make it happen…

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I read the book in my late teens i think, maybe early 20’s and the book was a bit of a chore to get through. First off it’s long, which isn’t a problem for me as i’m a fast reader but i think the story would have been better with a bit more focus… it’s a minor complaint but the book did feel like it was longer than it needed to be. However the main problem that i had was the reveal about the true nature of IT, and the very uncomfortable sexual scene King wrote between underage kids. Which is bonkers and awkwardly written.

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This is the moment that ventriloquists have been waiting for!!



And this is supposed to be less creepy?

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