Stocks plunge after Trump travel ban; NYSE suspends trading

Bite your tongue. Trump NEVER misspeaks. Not EVER!!! And cofeve to you sir.!


YOU misspoke! It’s covfefe. :wink:


Austin Rodeo. Was that the US market 1100?

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Dude! I had this very idea the other day!

Brilliant work!

Moronovirus indeed.


Just spreading the truth.


Dear Colleagues,

Take a deep breath.


Notice your surroundings and think of 3 things are pretty OK.

Times are stressful. We are all feeling it. It is understandable to feel like you absolutely have to keep on top of the news and that all the news is dire and gripping. It is understandable to feel anxiety and dread over the current broader moment. These are reasonable reactions. I will not implore you to ignore the news or bottle up your feelings, but I will remind you that right this second, the best thing you can do is…

Take a deep breath.


Heavy is the root of light.

Still is the master of moving.

And we are all in this together.


I couldn’t finish the thread, I was in tears. Worst fucking timeline.


Stephen Miller is involved.

They’ll start detaining people and refusing people visas based on citizenship and/or residence shortly. That’s likely the point of structuring it this way. Pretty much every international whatever they’ve done has involved cutting off visas and legal immigration pathways in some fashion. They want to shut down legal immigration without admitting they’re shutting down legal immigration.



Traitor Trump’s potemkin economy was going to collapse sooner rather than later.

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If there are operating airports/ pilots with crew , shipping ports, train stations, as situation progress’s… What happens when no one shows up for work?

Pretty much me

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You can’t just…

If nothing else Trump has shown that with a hostile executive and an utterly servile Senate he can, indeed, just do whatever the fuck he wants.

One critical element of every strongman dictator is the image of tough resilience. This is likely why he refuses to get tested despite having been exposed to the virus. He CANNOT show weakness, he is incapable of admitting to weakness. If he does the illusion shatters.

So he may well be killing off his circle of supporters. I hope he gives the turtle a big sloppy kiss someday soon.

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Well to be clear Trump has tried to strand US citizens in other countries indefinitely with no support. Or “accidentally” got them caught up in his bullshit.

But he lost the resulting lawsuits.

Some of those citizens they “accidentally” deported are still pretty fucked though.

But that was an answer to a question on what was legal. Not what is physically possible outside the law.

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Same here man. Just got a job with the US Census but, limited days limited hours and little to no overtime.

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I’ll drop dead when I’m gorgeous.
And not a day before.


The money goes somewhere. Currency market, a bank account, precious metals, real estate, etc. The economy doesn’t go away because the market is fallen on its ass. Now if people aren’t going to work, aren’t out buying things, and trucks aren’t shipping goods. Then that’s a collapse.

I’m not saying there won’t be a recession, there will definitely be a recession. A lot of people who wanted to retire in 5 years are going to find recent gains wiped out, and that’s sad, it’s how the system works, but it’s still sad.

I am kind of expecting the markets to be suspended for multiple days, maybe with some lame excuse about protecting the health of the people on the floor. Trading during an emergency seems ill advised to me. It’s all going to be panic trades and bullshit shorts.


But those aren’t disconnected phenomena. The market isn’t tanking in a vacuum, it’s responding to what’s happening and likely to happen. People not going to work, not out buying things, and trucks not shipping goods tends to make the market crash. And the market crashing and wiping out millions of people’s investments tends to make them less likely to rev up the economy by buying a new car and a nice celebratory dinner.

I think the worst of this is still coming down the pike as all the hourly workers who are going to suffer over the next month(?) or so have their short-term savings wiped out and spending falls off a cliff for the rest of the year.


I dunno if you were paying attention in 2008. But a big part of the problem there was that the money went away.

As in ceased to exist. So much of the value of the core financial vehicles had been created by shifting paper around and repacking assets worth very little to inflate their value that trillions just vaporized.

And a lot of things in the financial markets are rooted in stuff with no fixed value, or no guarantee of the value ever materializing. Like debt. Only has value if the debtors pay. If they go bust everything repackaging that debt, all that value just disappears.

That money didn’t just move somewhere else. It was and still is gone. There are a lot of things burbling in the economy, that is really similar to stuff that triggered the great recession. With the potential to do the same. There’s little sign that that’s what’s happening here. But there’s potential for it to tip over if things go to far. Too many people lose jobs, markets fall too far, or to fast triggering a panic.