Stop taking "probiotics"

If you click on the original article, then click on the nature study that they are quoting, you’ll see the misunderstanding runs very very deep. The author being quoted misunderstood the studies he was quoting and jumps to some very inaccurate conclusions. Which I explain the next paragraph down.

These don’t contain random microorganisms or contamination. They contain mislabled subspecies. For example instead of the patented strain L. rhamnosus GG, they might contain the strain L. rhamnosus GR-1 which isn’t patented. Whoopie. They are buying all their strains from labs which are FDA inspected and approved as is the final product.


Steve don’t eat it!

Also too: worst pizza topping ever –


It isn’t probiotic, but I do love huitlacoche tacos. Sort of a savory smoky mushroomy flavor.


Cory has been leading the charge on this here at BB for years. He ain’t gonna stop now. And in fact, more of the site’s authors are getting in on it. Xeni has had a bunch of zingers lately.


I miss the days when he would read the comments and take offense and individually email critics to let them know in his shrill harpy tone that he was not wrong and threaten to ban then if they submitted proof…I mean propaganda…trying to derail his message all with the belief that he was doing that lawrds work. These days, I find him entertaining…he is as factual as the batboy stories the other authors use to post. And they know he draws a crowd from people that care more about the issues he supports than his actual skill at talking about them. Given that I agree with the sentiment 90% of the time…and most of us do too…maybe we should give him a pass. He is like Flava Flav in PE…wrong about everything, but going in the same direction we are.


Sulfur, or sulfa drugs?


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To be fair, sufficient quantities of sulfur would indeed kill the bacteria attacking your body.


the side effects are quite severe, though


Other powerful antibiotics include blast furnaces, nuclear weapons and the sun.


Sorry, have to back-pedal: it isn’t as toxic as I believed to know. I should switch my preferred drink to a nice sulphur infusion, LD50 of caffeine is much lower.

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Well, I wasn’t sure how toxic straight sulfur would actually be to bacteria, but I felt confident that, for example, a 100m cube of pure sulfur would be sufficient to snuff out basically any human-body-dwelling bacteria that found itself encased at the center. Even if there are bacteria out there that could thrive on sulfur I doubt they could do so without water or light (and I doubt you would find them making people sick anyway since people aren’t exactly excellent sources of the stuff).

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Wikipedia says that it can be used to kill bacteria

That looks like baked beans in snot. I don’t think I ever want to try it.

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To be totally fair and non-hyperbolic about baby poo natto, like I was earlier, the actual flavor isn’t too bad. Kind of bitter, with a funky sort of beany savory thing going on. Goes well with rice, soy sauce, egg, and wasabi. The big problem is the texture, which is a sort of sticky slime that coats your mouth and communicates “you just ate something extremely rotten and it won’t go away”.


looked kinda like baked beans. It also smelled kinda like baked beans. If they were baked in the filthy heat of Satan’s asshole.

I force-fed myself a big ol’ spoonful, and found it to be slightly rancid and extremely bitter. Unfortunately, swallowing didn’t help dissipate the flavor because the strings of bean jizz melted, coating my mouth and lips with a glistening sheen of sadness.

The entire experience is difficult to describe, but if you can remember back to the very first time you made out with a hobo’s ass, it’s a lot like that.

What I find most hilarious is that there is an expiration date on the package. What could they possibly expect to happen to the product on this date THAT HAS NOT ALREADY OCCURRED?!!!


Yeah, as I’ve said in previous threads - I’ve turned it into a game. It’s fun to try and guess how far off the actually content of the link the clickbaity headline will actually be.


I did mention use of hot sauce and rice when I eat the stuff. :grinning:

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Why does everything have to be a pill?

How about yogurt and kimchi - proven over millenia.

i’d go even further and say once you get the taste for natto, it is very very good. i love the stuff. especially with some hot mustard and a splash of soy sauce.

Additionally, the intent was that re-starting the defunct Flint plant to process the river water would create local jobs in operating and renovating the plant. The extra expense could be justified as bringing needed jobs to a depressed area.