Store owner shot dead by man reportedly angry at Pride flag in window

First, I think more straight and cisgendered people need to step up to protect the rights of the LGBQT+ community. It’s not only the right thing to do, it’s a bit of self-interest, because if your rights can be taken away, then none of us are safe.

Second, all the woman had done was hang up a flag. It wasn’t a protest or anything like that. This dude just… shot her… for expressing support. Another reason to do so, is because it’s our right to speak freely and that should extend to showing support for people who are in the crosshairs of oppression and violence. We only win by standing together and showing support for one another.

That it is. But we only stop this kind of thing by sticking together against fascists like this.


“Pride flag dispute”… If someone was killed in a mugging, would they call it a “financial dispute”?


Purple and red do have something to do with it though, because it’s not just cops. It’s also the local news media, the “morals of the area”, and all that. Where I’m from, a kid had a “hunting accident” growing up and was severely wounded. In reality, it was because he supported gay rights. It never, ever, EVER got out the real reason behind it, even to this day, and the media doesn’t want to “upset the apple cart.”


It’s not a dispute.



Yeah I assume this is just how it goes these days with a known shooter and the police.

It sucks imo that he got killed by the cops though, now there won’t be a trial and another act of terrorism can be swept into the storm drain with the next bad news deluge.


I mean on one hand I would expect that how tolerant a population is of murders of gay people to correlate roughly to how tolerant people are of lynchings in an area… but I don’t know it to be true.

Like my travels around the country and world have really opened my eyes to how much some people suck and how hard and thanklessly the decent ones work to overcome them.

I do know that I’m still angry that the anti-immigrant fascist who shot immigrants at a shopping mall here was largely treated as a non-terrorist in the news.

Yet another case that should have had a trial with national attention.

IMO its the “red values” that need to be dismantled wherever they fester.


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