Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/08/strange-video-of-man-with-three-legs.html
There’s a song about that, but we do not talk about that artist after his convictions.
Jake the Peg? I had to look that one up. I had already been forewarned about the Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport guy, so no nasty surprises there. Although, sure, the aforementioned song could be interpreted as all kinds of wrong, now.
Presumably everybody knows they can adjust their YouTube settings to 0.25x speed and figure it out pretty damn quick just by looking. The “left” leg is obviously fake, esp at the very end.
You could just ask a real three-legged guy about everything that looks suspicious in the video.
(Frank Lentini, who failed to order all of his legs in the same length.)
Dude’s going to get his pants sued off by AI companies complaining he plagiarized their work.
Shame, they’re probably tailored.
Uh, don’t most guys have three legs, if you know what I mean?
I did this bit in the army a million years ago, because it was so easy to get pairs of identical pants and boots to make the third leg.
Add a long coat and a gas mask and I was the Chernobyl Clean Up Squad.
It does not need speeding up to be able to immediately spot which leg is the fake.
As for the person behind the camera screaming about what they are looking at - well, I hope they were referencing the prank and not actually confused by it, but the tone suggests they were confused by it. I mean, really?
I didn’t know until I looked it up. sigh
Came here for this.
Leaving disappointed, because I still want to see the three buttocks.
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