Straps on cargo ship break, tons of cargo spill into the sea

this. most jobs where one works with machinery or loads, you know before the fail point, that a fail is on the way, usually because of the sounds changing.
it wasn’t the chains failing in this case, that started events.they had wooden dunnage propping the loads against the sides of the ship. the swell put too much pressure on it, the sailors could hear the wood giving out under the pressure, and started to film, enough wood crushed that the pile could start to roll under the chains, chains failed…

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You too? What a coincidence! I’m always thinking about people who’ve ordered a ton of steel pipe. It’s m’favorite thing. I’ll be eating my turkey sandwich in the common area and I’ll think to m’self, “Self, I wonder who’s out there, right now, who’s ordered a ton of steel pipe, just this morning?” I’ll while away the afternoons, just thinking about large orders of steel pipe. My doctors say it’s a problem, but what do they know? Realistically, how many of them have ordered even half a ton of steel pipe? I’ll tell you how many! None, that’s how many. I bet there’s not a one of them who’s ever ordered a single steel pipe of any size at any point in their lives. Lording it over me with their psychiatric degrees and their court-ordered diagnoses. You know what? It’d be a shame if the lot of them were crushed under several tons of steel pipe. That’d be ironic, that would! Me thinking about all that steel pipe they’ve never ordered in their tiny lives, and then WHAM! Mashed into paste by the very thing which occupies so much of my waking contemplation. Like that smug Mister Benson from the DMV, he never saw that coming! And with me out of town that day. Not provably so, unfortunately.

Say…have you ever ordered a ton of steel pipe?


In this timeline the coronal mass ejection event of 2096 makes that exceedingly unlikely.

I have the feeling a ton of steel pipe isn’t all that much. Depending on configuration.

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likewise. Rule 34 is unstoppable and the Gʀᴇᴀᴛ Lᴇᴠᴇʟʟᴇʀ of the internet.


Leveled? Or “Laid low”?


Incidentally, you can get Arpeggio of Blue Steel ships in World of Warships these days.


I follow TheMightyJingles on youtube, so I saw that. It’s a neat skin. Very bold. But ship stats are identical. Except for concealment. It’s a ship for special occasions.

Well, that and for “I can’t be bothered working my way up the Japanese CA/BB tree, but I can get a Tier VII ARP cruiser for nothing”.

(American BBs/CAs/CVs for me, plus Japanese DDs. I like torpedo sniping in DDs and playing AA fleet escort with the bigger stuff)

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It’s around 350m of 50mm dia, 2mm wall tubing which is commonly used for handrails and similar things.

A 1m long, 1m diameter tube with a wall of 50mm would weigh around 1150KG.

Either way you don’t want a ton of steel out of control coming your way.


Anything else I need to know? Does Russia host the summer olympics?

That image makes me kinda sad. Rape of the wilderness and all that jazz.

Rape of the wilderness and all that jazz.

Trees grow back, probably less nature was ravaged for the ship cargo of lumber than for the cargo of steel pipes. Also, wilderness? Not so much. You’ll have a hard time finding even small patches of “wild” forest in Europe.

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…and there seems to be one English guy saying “oh my word…” quietly but clearly about 2:07.

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