Strip club gave away tents with their logo to homeless people

The homeless were also offered clothing discarded by the dancers but they claimed it somehow wasn’t “thermally sufficient”.


It absolutely is shameless advertising- they could easily have given them out without the logo. But helping while reaping benefit for themselves is still helping, and at least it’s a win-win situation where the homeless are one of the winners for a change. Actually, given the average American’s irrational, vehement hatred of the homeless, I’m not entirely sure the strip club isn’t taking on some risk by advertising this way.


Paging Dr. Freud… Dr. Freud.

Yes. I’m a libertarian socialist.

I think it’d be entirely a good idea to force corporate enteties to spend significant portions of their revenue cleaning up externalities like homelessness.


A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing, but you mean your mother.


Perhaps that woman would be happier if homeless tents said Jamais Vu?

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I’m not sure, but every guy in the strip club has a tent

As someone who lives near a bunch of homeless encampments in San Francisco, I eagerly await the branded portapotties…

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Possibly because she is too dim to know what deja vu means and only associates the term with the strip club.

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Thinking about it, that’ really not that great of a name for a strip club. I mean why bother, I’ve seen it already


It’s French, so probably something dirty.

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Exactly. If the club was called The Poon Saloon she might have a point. Deja Vu is easily explainable though.

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right? so why would they try to sell more?

A saloon founded by a Singaporean man named Mr Poon

Any decent strip club will give you a tent.


Will it keep me dry?

Just the opposite

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Even so, you could just say “Oh, that’s the name of the business that donated the tents” and be both 100% truthful and avoid any discussion of strip clubs.

I imagine she just hates both homeless people and sex workers and is too dim to realize that “Won’t someone think of the children!” doesn’t actually work in 100% of situations.


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