Student's awesome non-apology for wearing leggings

I don’t understand. However did you learn to adhere to dress codes at your work if you didn’t learn how to in school? And you had a school meeting to discuss a disagreement with a student? As if communicating with students about their points of view brings about anything other than pagan anarchy! Enough of your lies!

(I wish I’d gone to your high school.)


You sure about that? People usually only defend things they like.

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I see what you did there!

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This is an interesting thing to say because so far it seems like your agenda in this thread has been to set everyone else straight. You’re entitled to your own opinion but so is everyone else. There’s no need to get so defensive just because people disagree with you.

If you could get fired because of what someone else entirely is wearing then I would suggest you should find a new job. That would only happen in an extremely dysfunctional work environment.


Ahh, Mr. Jobsworth enters, stage right.

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This thread has gotten to the point of utter ridiculousness and off-the-railsness IMHO. The amount of holier-than-thou vitriol spewed by self-righteous anti-establishment warriors for freedom and liberty is, well, par for the course on boingboing I suppose. If you put one tenth of the amount of energy into fighting against true authoritarian threats to freedom as you do in belittling people with alternate or even slightly more nuanced opinions who you’ll be quick to label as “perverts” or “tyrants” the world would be a significantly better place.

As several people have noted, there is simply not enough information on this situation to go off of for anyone to have a definitive opinion, and in fact the whole thing may never have happened at all. It’s insane that people are calling each other perverts and authoritarians and such, really kind of disappointing actually. I would expect more from readers of a progressive blog like bb, but I guess instead of people having intelligent conversations, it’s more entertaining to think of a good chunk of bb’s readers/posters as “the enemy.” Yes, because this is definitely a blog and associated forum that attracts people of those leanings, yep, that makes sense… rolls eyes

I swear, if a story was posted about some kid getting in trouble for having their privates hanging out in public and either being arrested, sent to detention, etc. as a consequence, there would be an element of bb posters who would say “OMG if you even noticed that the kid’s privates were hanging out you were obviously staring at their crotch WAY more than is warranted and as such you are SUCH a blatant PERVERT, you freaking sicko you!”

I don’t want my kids to find out that women have two legs that come together at the torso until they dissect one in college.


Accusation of “holier-than-thou vitriol” spewing followed by NickyG’s own holier-than-thou vitriol. Ya, you sure cleared that up, Nick.


I dunno, I was distracted quite a bit by certain young ladies regardless of what they were wearing…

I think the simple fact is that some people can look stunning in fairly conservative outfits, while others are easily overlooked regardless of how provocative an outfit is. The issue I think here is that there are adults fairly creepily applying a “how sexually provocative” is this item of clothing rule to young ladies who definitely don’t need the pressure/judgement.

As you note, if the idea is not to distract classmates in lessons, then everyone should wear a burqa in class. Otherwise, if it’s an attempt to keep young ladies from looking “sexy” then they need a consistent and logical set of rules as far as school uniforms (including sports outfits) [I mean, *have you seen how form fitting swimwear is!?!*]


Scoring you a 72. I assume you have no handicap.

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You know, there was a time I was in school (I think it was university, but I think events operating on similar principles happened in earlier years) that there was a fire alarm that just went off sporadically, for no reason. Wasn’t a drill, it would just go off. You know what happened?

After a while, nobody would react, aside from a slight pause. It occasionally occurred to me, that if there WAS actually a fire there, we’d need to either be smelling smoke or have some other obvious sign to take it seriously, and by then we’d already been alerted, making the fire alarm kind of pointless (though of course, I believe in the efficacy of fire alarms in general).

Rules are like that. If you want students to learn rules are to be respected, DON’T MAKE STUPID RULES. Because kids are smart… eventually, they’re going to realize a rule is stupid, and by then, you’ve lost their respect for the rules. They won’t react when they hear something’s against the rules. And that means even if there’s a rule with a really good reason for it that’s just not immediately obvious to a kid, they won’t see any reason to follow it.

If there’s a child-eating trolley on the other side of the river, a “Don’t cross the river” rule is appropriate. A “wearing short sleeved shirts in school is forbidden” rule only muddies things and makes them less safe.


leggings are great, Shakespeare would have loved them.

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There’s no definite evidence that the rule even has anything to do with “teh sexxxy.” It may be as simple as leggings are deemed to be too casual for a school setting. Lots of schools have dress codes that involve more formal attire, is this really news to anyone?

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What’s the line on codpieces though?

The article claims that “Any man boldly sporting a codpiece as he walks into a room will instantly gain everyone’s full attention.”, which seems like a fair assumption.


Leggings on girls would seem positively quaint at that point.

So, it’s a win-win.

That’s a nice dog.


The rule doesn’t, but a few of the smarmier comments in this forum sure were.

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I’ve been in classrooms with naked people. You get over it.


I’ll buy it if they also ban regular shorts and plain T-shirts (which I highly suspect they don’t, though they are about as casual as it gets). That being said, I do have to admit that I do not have a copy of their dress code to verify this.

It’s pretty standard fare for schools to ban things they deem “too provocative”. Way back in the dark ages when I went to HS, we had one young lady who was always pushing the limits, and finally got sent home to change when the fad of super ripped jeans in the 80’s fairly plainly demonstrated what sort of undies she happened to be wearing. Nothing out of control, just one of the rips was a little too close to the rear, and undies peeked through when she was walking.

It’s one thing for schools to try to maintain some level of decorum based on the standards acceptable in society at large. It’s another thing entirely to ban items of clothing that are common and accepted outerwear in said society.