Originally published at: Summon Demons, a breathtaking 1-bit pixel art music animation | Boing Boing
Uno gives me life. Thanks for posting this.
This makes me want to solve that sinister puzzle box left to me by my black sheep great-uncle after he was found inside-out in mysterious circumstances
wow, really amazing. i don’t understand the entire story, but it’s so well done. if this doesn’t cause another satanic panic, nothing will, lol.
At the first appearance of the demon with the upturned nose, I immediately thought “Michael Jackson??!!!”
This was beautiful. A great start to my morning.
That was really awesome. The pixel art combined with the subject matter gives it the feel of a Jack Chick tract melded with Heavy Metal. Never thought of that combo before!
Nice animation, music
Why bother with mystical ritual if you are sexually repressed/suicidal ???
These character designs are in the style of Mamoru Nagano
Anyone happen to catch a mirror of this video it is amazing and I was hoping to download it.
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