☭ Sup Marxists? ☭

Happy Marxist New Year, and remember to be on the look out for Profiteers in 2016!

Koch Brothers Are Ramping Up To Eliminate National Parks And Seize Federal Lands [July, 8th, 2015]

The group pushing to sell off (privatize) the national park system to the fossil fuel industry, and indeed, sell off all public land to the highest corporate bidder, is the Koch and ExxonMobil-funded Property and Environment Research Center (PERC). PERC, Exxon-Mobil, the Koch brothers, and Republicans across the nation contend that no state, federal, or local government has any right to own any land within America’s borders;** it is precisely the same argument trumpeted by seditious anti-American rancher Cliven Bundy**. Although Bundy’s contention is that he, Cliven Bundy, retains “sole stewardship rights over government-owned land,” he clearly fails to comprehend that the Kochs have a different vision of what their stewardship as private corporate owners will entail. Unless Cliven Bundy owns monumental drilling, mining, or lumber operations, he should make no mistake that when the Kochs own all government land, he will have no stewardship rights, grazing rights or input into how the land is managed whatsoever.

State Efforts To ‘Reclaim’ Our Public Lands Traced To Koch-Fueled ALEC [MAR 11, 2013 ]

Despite the many problems that states and municipalities face today—from budget shortfalls to unemployment—seven western states have decided to embark on unconstitutional and quixotic battles attempting to force the federal government to turn millions of acres of public lands over to the states. Doing so, however, would result in the eventual exploitation for private profits of these beautiful parks, refuges, forests, and other lands because the leaders driving such efforts would prefer to see quick economic gains from resource extraction rather than prioritizing these areas’ more sustainable economic uses such as recreation.

Firm hired by Legislature for Utah lands fight has ties to Koch brothers Jun 29 2015