It’s just common sense…
In what other areas of human invention and iteration do we find “progress” to be unwanted?
In what other areas of human invention and iteration do we find “progress” to be unwanted?
Aren’t war and porn the two main drivers of tech progress?
I’m not sure porn is really a driver of tech so much as it is a first adopter of any new tech.
Not really, no.
War is good for taking theoretical discoveries and turning them into practical applications. But war is very bad for the structures that produce those theoretical discoveries in the first place (well-funded public universities, curiosity-driven “impractical” research, etc.).
You get a bunch of new tech during and shortly after a war, but it creates an innovation shadow in the aftermath.
Never again! Just say “no” to jade condoms.
“Oh sea witch, I would love to become a full-time employee.”
“Well, you’re welcome to transfer to my company. But I ask for your voice in return.”
The little mermaid sealed the deal and became a full-time employee, but not only did she have her salary lowered, she wasn’t paid for overtime and didn’t have any days off either.
Without her voice, the little mermaid couldn’t even voice her case to her labor union, and she eventually lost hope and faded into bubbles, vanishing into the depths of society.
As opposed to space exploration, which seems to have a long tail of tech and innovation with no downside (except if there is a disaster involving astronauts, of course).
ganked from the f’book
Interesting question!
I was just having this discussion in meatspace when I posted that Elam endorsement of Drumpf, of how it seems like it’s the same fucking small group of arseholes that keep showing up. Elam, Vox, MRAs, Baldwin, James Woods, Nero, etc. showing up to cast shade on #BLM, to “fight” “SJWs,” jumping at cultural marxist shadows, sad puppies, sick puppies, gamer-.
Same, regressive, white-supremecist, toxic-masculinity stew of shit. Different day.
Looking at his twitter feed, I’m kind of surprised to see the progenitor of this thread doesn’t seem to have an opinion.
Well, I made the mistake of replying to an interesting tweetstorm from a cool person I follow, and all I got was an ethnic slur from a rando flying monkey, which got 15 or so likes for the snipe.
In the process of blocking this brigade, the trend is clear.
Relatedly, it seems like Twitter’s inability to control the garbage fire of will continue to be repeated in this larger, uglier, election conversation.
Just call them Gators.
Also I think that was either a Troll or a /pol/nazi.
“Free speech activist” pretty much means racist these days. Not universal, but a pretty big red flag.
Either that, or Free Speech Activists equates to: “It’s my right be a total dick and no one should stop me for saying immature and outright offensive language: cause I’m a fucking sociopath”.
“Literally, the only redeeming feature of my rhetoric is that it should not be made illegal.”