Supreme Court rules 6-3 that Trump has immunity from prosecution for "official" acts

Sounds like President Biden has plenty of rationale to remove 6 Supreme Court Justices, at least temporarily, until such time as they can receive due process for impeachment. In his official capacity, of course.

But seriously, he wouldn’t do that. But he needs to really understand this is the line that SCOTUS cannot be allowed to cross and take serious efforts to undo it. The country needs him to. And, oddly, the decision gives him the authority to do so.


yeah, exactly :crazy_face:

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Biden is >80 years old. He may need to take some hard decisions to protect his country from a fascist coup. Which is 100% what will happen if Trump gets back into the white house, particularly if he has a majority in either or both sides of Congress.

Official, unofficial, both of them will be gone in a decade or two. What will remain is their legacy. Will Biden be the president who presided over the end of democracy and meekly stepped out the side door afterwards? I have a hard time imagining he’ll do that somehow.


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Legally, the president is two different people during the campaign - the president and the candidate. There are legal walls that separate the two ( and part of how T**** has fucked up is ignoring those separations) so that presidents don’t just always win reelection. For example, T**** had to use campaign funds for his rally on Jan 6. It would be illegal for him to use public funds for anything except travel and security of his own person.


Surely Trump is the ex-president. He only gets a security detail because all ex-presidents get one.

That was in reference to Jan 6, when he was still president.


He COULD order the immediate release of Trump family tax returns for the past 20 years and order the IRS to audit Thomas, Roberts, Alito & co.


And of course the president gets to decide what’s official right? Talk about rigged


Yes. Once violent revolution is on the table, the biggest assholes usually end up in charge. Because it is easier to unite people against something than to get them to agree on what they are for. When the old regime is swept away, you have a large number of groups with disparate goals that were only united by hatred for what went before. And then those most willing to use violence end up running the new regime. It usually takes a little time for that to shake out, but I am old enough to remember when the Iranian revolution looked like it might result in a democratic regime. Indeed the first president, Banisadr, was a moderate that later had to flee the country when the Islamists took over.


Ah! Maybe we’ve been misinterpreting “originalist” this entire time. Maybe it’s more like:

“Here’s how we think Thomas Jefferson would have interpreted this & acted upon it.”
“Wait, what the—? You do mean Thomas Jefferson, the… He wouldn’t… I mean… Oof! Well, that’s certainly original, in any case!”

I mean, it could happen, but I’ll buy everybody lunch if it does so before the first Tuesday in November.

“Whaddya mean I’m not helping?”


IMO most people have been. I believe they mean they will interpret the constitution in the manner they interpret the bible which is to say as a whole cloth fiction they create to control and exploit the laity.

Several in the SC and the various conspirators in this plot have now spelled it out very VERY clearly in public too.


unfortunately, staying in office after being impeached would be a criminal act. so just declare you that you have to stay to fulfill your oath, and you have a constitutional crisis no one can solve

currently, the rules are clear. and the clear rules have stopped factionalism within groups like the military ( for the most part. plus or minus a civil war )

but when there’s legal fiction as cover, you’re suddenly open to factionalism. one group decides the rules mean one thing, and another group decides differently.

that’s the stuff which coups are made from


When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger and one represents opportunity. JFK, 1959

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yeah, exactly :crazy_face:

e/ Beau of the Fifth Column seems to say the same (thanks, @Mindysan33 )

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But of course…

Signing those checks to Michael Cohen were official acts! Either that are no longer evidence, cuz, ya know, he was sitting in the oval office when he signed them. :roll_eyes:

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