Swat Team terrorizes drug-free family of tea-drinking tomato-growers

D’you know, I’m beginning to suspect that there is something wrong with the orchard. Maybe stop watering it with Brawndo® the Thirst Mutilator™?


I agree. Even if they put Milk In First, there is no need for that sort of thing.


“Justice prevails ^-^/”

Err, no, no it doesn’t. It just means that the lawsuit isn’t dismissed, it has to grind its’ way through the legal process (during which the family could still lose the suit on any number of other loopholes) and that’ll take awhile. Justice has yet to prevail.


No, it’s a story of a county Sheriff who has to be reelected, and in a red state like Kansas, you have to be Tough On Crime™ to be reelected, and nothing says Tough On Crime™like a good picture of a successful drug raid in the local paper.

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Anyone wanna take odds that the perpetrators will receive no personal punishment and that the taxpayers will foot the bill?

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Well, Johnson County includes some of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Kansas, so yeah, a settlement will be forthcoming, I’m sure.

Surely there is only one perpetrator. The person who refused/failed to do the test on the found ‘leaves’ and who authorised/instructed the raid. That person should be subject to stringent discipline for neglect of duty and egregious breaches of procedure - perhaps to the extent of being sacked from the job. If more than one of them collaborated on those decisions, joint and several liability.


Yes. 5000 more of him, please. Kthx.

I had read about this case previously and it also seems that the investigator in question likely falsified some reports and evidence to make it seem like the family in question was producing drugs.


I would also blame the judge who issued the warrant, for just accepting the investigator’s word on the field drug test and not demanding laboratory confirmation.

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Florida: America’s hand gun.


Although, like any “lone wolf” theory, there’s a systemic infrastructure and ideology that also needs to be dismantled. This is probably the lowest-down person who should be punished, but there’s plenty up shit that should flow upstream, at least all the way to the AG’s office.

Probably about the same statistically as the people on the internet who complain about the incident, but refuse to intervene. When people “leave it to the professionals”, this tells me that they are ultimately satisfied with the work being done.

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I read it as just another step towards the American Police State™. Just remember, we’re always watching you “citizen”.

That pocket can carry another assault rifle magazine or a notebook, but not both.


Does SWAT often rummage through random people’s garbage looking for incriminating evidence? (I can’t read the Forbes article since they don’t like my browser.)

No. The sheriff’s office was tipped off first by a cop who recorded them as making purchases at a garden center. Then their trash was checked.

I guess that, at least, they didn’t scrawl their apology on the wall in excrement.


They checked their garbage at least 3 times by the way. Ran tests every single time, the first time it came up as negative for any drug traces and was labeled as wet vegetable matter and reported as unlikely to be drug related.

The subsequent tests came up as inconclusive, and it is presumed that the investigator in question forged positive field test results to push forward their failed drug bust.