Swimmer, 61, punches shark and escapes - just like on TV

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/31/61-year-old-swimmer-punches-sh.html

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Damned good for him!

Now he needs to get out there and start dealing with Nazis.

“Nazi documentary 101 — I knew Antifa always hit the grill, that’s the place you go to attack the Nazi,” Lytton said.


I’m sure the punching helped, but the fact that the shark realized it had bitten into a human leg rather than a tasty, blubbery grey seal probably helped? Thankfully this person survived the bite.

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When deciding to vote this year, remember this:
The Mayor in Jaws I was still the mayor in Jaws II.


I learned all my shark fightin’ techniques from Flipper.

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