Take a tour of this deserted Japanese village populated with scarecrows

Originally published at: Take a tour of this deserted Japanese village populated with scarecrows | Boing Boing


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Perhaps cat-apple reincarnation Nyango Star should be brought to Nagoro.

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A woman named Ms Tsukimi Ayano, the “Scarecrow Mother,” has been making scarecrows for over a decade now and placing them around this small, quiet town to make it feel less empty.

But it does make the town, like, a thousand times more creepy.


The pics were far less creepy than I expected, just based on the title of the topic.


Why isn’t this a J-Horror Film? :scream:

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Scarecrows for keeping pests away in Japan are their own kind of thing. A lot of those hairstylist mannakins end up in rice fields. Definitely more on the creepy end of the spectrum.

This sort of tourist attraction skews more towards cute or silly. A nearby town had an annual scarecrow hike through the fall rice paddies. Mostly a lot of cute scenes, with the odd scarecrow grandma squatting in the field.

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Yes! Just a plastic head with the child-gives-Barbie-a-haircut look stuck on a stick along the edges of the rice field. Nearly crashed my car the first rice harvest.


Eye of the beholder.

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Does Japan have horror movies situated around farms and crops like America does?

I mean, we all know you don’t go into strange corn fields.

It’s a village of Wilsons. That makes the idea a lot less creepy, but a lot more sad.


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