Take a trip to Randyland, one of the most colorful places in the United States

Originally published at: Take a trip to Randyland, one of the most colorful places in the United States | Boing Boing


Road Rrip!

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I’ve driven past it, but alas, have yet to actually visit. I also highly recommend the Warhol Museum, as long as you are in Pittsburgh.

Finally, take a “rrip” to Randyland? Edit, please.

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Seconded, been there several times, bought the t-shirt, and met the man in charge. Randy’s personality is as ebullient as his works of art.

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If you’re into this sort of thing, and if travel opens again, and you get to Havana Cuba, definitely visit Fusterlandia. It’s pretty incredible.

This would be a whole different theme park in the UK.




I am relieved, for a moment I thought someone had made an Ayn Rand theme park. [googles] Looks like that still isn’t a thing, phew.

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