Taliban bans the sound of womens' voices singing or reading

The US supported the Afghan mujahadeen. The Taliban were formed in 1994.


Plus it has a huge amount of overlap with the policies of that murderous monarchy that we’re strong allies with for some reason.

That could have come from this group just as easily:
Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Saudi Arabia) - Wikipedia.


Technically true, but I am under the impression that there is a lot of overlap. Many of the Taliban got their start as mujahadeen. The Taliban is what happened when a bunch of different small groups that were united in their wish for a fundamentalist islamic state banded together and formed a government. No matter how broad the initial coalition of factions is, in most revolutions it is the most extreme and violent groups that end up in charge.

The whole thing is a giant clusterfuck/tragedy. And it has been that for a LONG time. Our intervention was hugely costly in lives (mostly Afghans) and money (much of it stolen by corrupt government officials). We temporarily made life in the cities bearable for women but we never had much effect in the countryside and the Taliban has pretty quickly reverted the cities to extreme repression.


Surely the time has come for them to be expelled from the international cricket council.

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And literally paid for the indoctrination of generations in violence-


“The laws also oblige passengers and drivers to perform prayers at designated times.”

Is the driving of Afghan men that bad? /s


We have our own version of those fuckers right here in Texas.
That article is from 10 years ago, so they’ve been at it a while.
They are on the verge of destroying public school education here; with a multi-billion dollar budget surplus, the Politboro did next to nothing for school funding.

They own the Little Czar & the Head Criminal; the Czar is owned by some voucher funding Oligarch from Pennsylvania.
And the Czar finally has enough dupes in the Politboro to get those vouchers of his passed, next session… plus, the largest school district in the State is under State control.

There’s no shortage of these theocracy-mad oligarchs spreading their shit across this country & no shortage of politicians happy to take their money.

There oughtta be a law!

EDIT: clarity