Tearful Obama calls for 'sense of urgency' to fight gun violence in America

There are some proposed changes to the NFA gun trust rules that seem like they would streamline the process. More staff for enforcement and background checks seems like a good idea. The mental health thing could go either way. Nobody wants crazy people armed, but medical privacy is important as well. I would not want anyone to be afraid to seek counseling because of fear of gun confiscation. The smart gun thing is just a can of worms. I am trying to be cautiously optimistic.

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might try to lean on the latter and lay off the former, or you might cynic yourself out of the process, and marginalize what you think sounds like a reasonable voice.

Still curious abnout that flag, in the other thread.

I am not a legislator. All I can do is try to vote for those that will hopefully legislate with my interests in mind. But that is a tough one with the current slate of crooks and crazy people running for office.

It was designed as an alternate proposal for the German flag after WW1,
to match the general theme of the flags of other Nordic countries. It
was used briefly by those opposing Hitler during the war.

Hey @Mister44 - What are the solid reasons against mandatory insurance, with premiums based on actuarial data of which guns are the most likely to be used badly? I tried a quick google, but only found some weak handwaving. Any strong or constitutional arguments why it shouldn’t or couldn’t be tried?


What are your interests? Hitler is long since defeated (flag joke). what else are you looking for? Because there is room for improvement, and there isn’t any more room for the obstructionism of the last few decades. It sucks to be left behind by history.

no other reason for you using it? *(I opened a whole other thread to not derail/obstruct this conversation)

There’s a very large provision in the executive action to address mental health.

Otherwise, I’m unclear on your point. Should we focus on denying people medication for mental health issues rather than help prevent them from getting ahold of weapons that can kill people?

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[quote=“tachin1, post:92, topic:71595, full:true”]

Not what people are mainly concerned about.[/quote]
What “people are mainly concerned about” is the perception they have from mass media of gun violence. These concerns don’t come close to matching up with the actual risk of violence.

The reality in America is, unless you are young, male, and have a recent criminal record, your chance of being shot is pretty darn close to zero, and is now closer to zero than it has been in decades.


Your buddy @shaddack wants those available in a vending machine! I doubt you agree, but where were you headed with your citation-free totally level headed argument about people on strong, regulated, drugs (but only the ones you say) having different rights from you and I?


You left out “black”. That’s extremely important.


My educational background is industrial archaeology, and I have found a niche researching the physical apparatus of the military in the 20th century. I also have a German background. I have always liked that particular flag. Also, it is obscure enough to be vaguely familiar but interesting.

Progress does not mean we’re done.

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Are you aware it is being flown in protests in Germany again lately?

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I have not seen that. I hope that they don’t ruin it.


Pegida. What do you think of them, because they claimed it.

(and could you translate the sign? I am not german)

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I hope that they do not ruin Europe. PEGIDA does claim to be opposed to Nazism, but I think that they probably misrepresent that point. The thing in Koln this week is probably going to raise their level of support.

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It is a bunch of crap about Merkel being an enemy of the German people. “A campaign to destroy all of us”.



  1. lots of kids can defeat “child proof” whatever. Aspirin, etc.

  2. lots of other things are dangerous and need to be put out of reach and/or teach kids not to mess with them. Or do you think we need things like fingerprint scanners to access the poisons under the sink of most Americans?

Actually, I would be fine with that. If we ever legalize recreational drugs, I wonder how that will affect prescription drugs people want to use recreationally.

Also, “prescription” ibuprofen is just 4 regular pills.


Well, the fact based argument would be that most shootings are done with the most commonly owned weapons.

These would be revolvers.

The .38spl revolver was the near universal sidearm of police forces in the US up until the 80s and they are still some of the best selling firearms today.

The high risk criminal group members aren’t going to comply with your insurance policy and you will upset the vast majority of owners.