Teenager charged with crime for sex with Jesus statue

I too, initially assumed it was a standing Jesus and the man was kneeling, giving alms to the holy triptic, pleasuring god on earth in loving gratitude, instead it was a shocking photo, the violent pelvic thrusting at a submissive and victimized suplicating son of a god, by a lustful, heathen son of adam, seeking to dominate and reduce the worth of the personified innocently sexual holy ghost.


Damn straight I support the pastor’s right to do so. Many of us downloaded and then deleted ebook versions of the quran – what do you say about that? Heck I even got a letter to the editor (Boston Globe) printed in response, in which I said we were going to burn the Quran, Bible, talmud, some Buddhist text, a Pasta Cookbook, and Principia Mathematica (the last being for athiests).


For the record, a lot of atheists are also Jewish, Buddhist, and/or Pastafarians.

This looks like a job for Lucien Greaves and The Satanic Temple.

cue Stanic Theme Tune!

Kickstarter campaign to create a statue of the guy getting blown by the Jesus statue?

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time for Iconoclasm

What? Absolute hogswallop.

One set is ‘freedom to’ and the other is ‘freedom from’.

You may see ‘‘special treatment’’, I see low spots in the playing field that have been identified and targeted for leveling.


We need to stop with all this enlightened civility to others. People might forget it’s the internet. That dissertation ought to get a bit more interesting if this kid is convicted.


Maybe if you read my comment instead of reacting dismissively, dogmatically and insultingly, we’d actually be able to have a rational discussion.

“Reverend Mocker . .”
“Reverend mocker . . .”
( hat tip to Warner Brothers Deduce, You Say!)


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Exactly! If he’s not stopped he could be humping Jesus six or seven times a day!


Also, this plays into the Christian obsession with homosexuality. You think they sit around obsessing about the various forms of male/female sodomy? Of course not! It’s the gay sex that must be analyzed in graphic detail.


I think that’s a satire site, probably from the same people that do Landover Baptist



Thank you for respecting the Discordians.

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Is that really a “venerated object” as stated in the law? It’s a concrete lawn ornament which someone painted with a paint brush. How about a greeting card, is it a “venerated object?” How about a cross made out of popsicle sticks and glitter?


Just thought people might appreciate this link from an atheist who is local to the incident (warning: it’s a long read). For those who didn’t read the original article, in 2010 a college student was successfully charged under this law - only it was after he urinated on a nativity scene. The writer of this response makes the point that in that case actual damage was done to the “venerated object” (which made it a glorified form of “destruction of property”). In this case, no physical harm came to the statue.

The only real complaint that could be made is that he may have trespassed to perform the act. It was on a lawn in front of a place called “Love in the Name of Christ”. So, if the guy was on their property, they could of course claim trespass (a much more reasonable argument). However, that statue is pretty close to the road. If they put their statue in a public place, they risked other people’s free speech being displayed and that speech could always disagree with their belief.

This site agrees.


I think the legislature really blew it on this one. There are many forms of speech, and to criminalize this, with such a stiff penalty, is a crime against nature. To be so hard on him really sucks.


Just… wut?

What about all those Jesus butt blugs and the like?

Also, you’d think the Christians would appreciate anyone who wants to get such a personal relationship with Jesus.


In Texas, What Jesus Would Do is stand his ground and shoot him a big fat load of hot lead.

Flash mob?

In your face, Jesus!

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