Teenagers getting high from sanitary pads

They might try squatting and panting heavily for 5 minutes, then stand quickly while holding their breath till they fall over. Repeat till satiated. :roll_eyes:


Who knew sanitary pads would be a gateway drug?


Jenkem part II - maxi pad boogaloo.

But if it is true… it’s really a self-solving problem.


Quite right, Slick!

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Tell me this is another Jenkem hoax.


Came for the Jenkem, realized I am only increasing the strength of this foul idea renting my neurons. Once you hear the Jenkem myth it can never be unheard.

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I thought that this was going to take a turn into Jessa Reed / Meth Pee terriroty.

Even used pads? Well I’ve heard about Dracula’s Teabags.

BTW @NickyG “Mellow Yellow” was about dildo’s (specifically vibrators) and not smoking banana peel.

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It doesn’t sound as bad as Aboriginal children in Australia inhaling stolen avgas. But that definitely does happen.

This sure sounds like a hoax to me. Unsourced/unreliabily sourced article in a foreign news outlet that just screams “look at those dumb foreigners” with a light dose of misogyny thrown in for good measure. I’m sure there’s plenty of economical and easy ways for young kids in Indonesia and elsewhere to get high without boiling used sanitary pads.


before you know it they will be injecting tampons.


“Mosquito repellent, you say?” - the kids, probably.

Thank god I’m post-menopausal!

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I concur. This one definitely doesn’t pass the smell test.

This reeks of the whole “jenkem” thing as well…

I dunno why people think hmm… kids are definitely seeking enjoyment by boiling maxi pads or going through some other ridiculously convoluted and likely ineffective process rather than doing time tested methods like homebrewing pruno or just having fun fucking each other…

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This sounds like a prank and I doubt it’s true

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