Originally published at: Temple thieves return artifacts after suffering from "scary dreams" | Boing Boing
Or as grandma used to say, ein gutes Gewissen ist das beste Ruhekissen.
Calling those statues ‘idols’ is racist and insulting. How would yr typical white Grauniad reader react to seeing saints’ statues in a church referred to as ‘idols’?
Also, just don’t fuck around with Vishnu.
Behave yourselves or else.
I’d call them idols as well?
…and probably get a reaction similar to what my mom’s best friend gave her. Her friend took her inside a Catholic church, and mom was amazed by the number of saints’ statues.
Knowing Catholics pray to saints, she looked around at all those statues, and said to her friend, “I thought you weren’t supposed to worship graven images?” Her friend became very angry.
"Oh, you don’t understand!" was her reply.
Mom was raised Lutheran. She raised me vaguely Buddhist.
by shrugging or possibly applauding?
Indisputable proof Hinduism is the one True Religion.
Or at least the same sort of proof Christians like to use to claim theirs is this.
Iconoclasm has colonized the english language.
The term idol is a pejorative term for a cult image,[1][2][3] except in Indian English, where it is widely accepted as a neutral English term for a murti or cult image.[4]
Of course, some people believe that the world “cult” is problematic.
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