Originally published at: Terrifying footage shot by fisherman caught in Greenland tsunami | Boing Boing
Well now that’s horrifying. Makes me glad I live far far away from the coast.
IIRC landslide tsunamis like this make the biggest waves. Far higher than what underwater ones produce.
A further reminder that climate refugees aren’t something that will happen in the future - it’s happening now, and it will affect marginalized and Indigenous communities disproportionately.
(ETA: This is climate related - thawing permafrost leading to landslips).
Any time you see water moving like this run!!! Seriously, it will beat you and it moves uphill much faster than you can.
That guy already sounded like he was about to have a heart attack BEFORE the draw-down started on the beach. Yikes.
I thought the waves would be taller and more apocalyptic, but honestly the way they are is plenty terrifying as is.
The water is just so inexorable!
Chilled my salty bones. Neptune was angry that day for sure.
This is why we used to use the perfectly good term “tidal wave”. It’s not a huge wall of water a lot of the time, it’s just a normal wave that keeps crawling upwards like a tide.
Google La Palma event, or maybe don’t if you live anywhere on the east coast of the USA.
TIL My understanding of the term “tidal wave” was utterly incorrect. I thought that those were the giant, scary waves, and now I know better. Thank you!
There is a Norwegian movie called Bølgen (“The Wave”) about a fjord-based tsunami. It has won awards and has a good Rotten Tomatoes score.
Never underestimate the power of the sea.
It does not want to kill you - it simply does not care.
I guess I should be glad to live far from the coast of large and deep lakes then too. Learn something new every day 'eh?
I’ve watched a bunch of these tidal wave videos now. It seems like if you think you’re high enough above the water to be safe, you aren’t. Keep climbing and moving inland until forever.
Sounds similar to this virus thingy that I’ve been hearing about lately. Corvid-something.
More specifically, if you see the water by the coast quickly recede… that’s an immensely bad sign.
Yikes, now I know why Fezzik left. That’s terrifying. The ocean has always scared me a bit, that’s why I moved up into the mountains. Now, all I have to worry about is a supervolcano. No big whoop.