Terrifying proposal for airplane seating

If the airlines can accept 90% passenger fatalities, and still, profit, then we’ve got worse problems than the seating arrangements, perhaps including throwing people overboard for the insurance money [Note], slavery, death camps, etc.

[Note] Zong Massacre.

Oh God. Shadowrun and Neuromancer’s Coffen Motels are REAL?!


I think I like this better. In the usual method of sitting your head is actually closer to other peoples’ heads, and you have less shoulder room. This arrangement appears less intrusive of personal space, and gives more apparent leg room as well.

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So as a severe restless leg syndrome sufferer, I’ll be involuntarily kicking my neighbour right in the face after about 1.5 hour.

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That’ll save you the cost of hiring a surgeon to put in the vagus nerve stimulator or get you exercise. Unless it’s a private practitioner across the way.

I feel like I should just write the Medium article for Amazon explaining why large deliveries to NYC can and do cross the Thames six times each trip (and take 4 days.)

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What is up with the couple on the right side of that cross-section image? Did they actually allow slaves to have sex on the voyage? It certainly doesn’t seem like they allowed for any other form of human comfort. Maybe pregnant women could be sold for more due to the added value of their unborn children? Or is that a member of the ship’s crew raping someone?

I think they’re just emphasizing that the people on the shelf could barely sit up, and people under the shelf were similarly constrained. If you just saw the deckplan, and not the elevation, you might derive false comfort from the high ceilings that weren’t in fact there,

Bodies stuffed like cordwood indeed.

Did I mention that this journey took at least a month, and sometimes as long as six?

I thought William Gibson was a visionary until I went to Tokyo. Turns out he’s just a travel writer. :confused:


I don’t know if I’m an odd duck or something, but I think capsule hotels would be awesome in the states if your pod came with a bong or a couple xanax.

Insted of spending 8 or more hours flying from Seattle to Miami, I personally would be much happier to fly from Seattle to Denver, get six hours of decent sleep in a quiet, stationary capsule on the ground, then finish my flight to Miami feeling decently rested. Rather than exhausted from the constant noise of the plane, woozy from lack of genuine rest, and dehydrated from the lower-than-sea-level cabin pressure.

But maybe I’m just strange.

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Reminds me of the econo-class seating on the slave ships during the Atlantic crossings.Without the beatings to keep everyone entertained.

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Why would you want to go to Miami? Stay in Seattle. It’s much nicer.


lets be clear…if this idea will make an airline company just a dime more in profits…they will do it.

But the real question is how long boarding will take with idiots not knowing what seat they are in and having fewer overhead compartments.

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Holy shit, that could actually work if the passenger compartment tube was constantly spinning. Think “Gravitron” http://www.ride-extravaganza.com/intermediate/gravitron/

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Think “vomit vortex”

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