Terrorist who murdered Jo Cox shouts: "Death to traitors" in court

In a rare display of sanity by a London based tabloid, today’s Mirror gets it right by focusing on the man who tried to stop the murder, rather than giving more publicity to the terrorist’s hateful ideology.

Credit where it’s due, and let’s continue to look for the people doing good, even in the darkest hours.


The Mirror is a little better than some of the others, at least in its post-Piers Moron period.

That Spanish invasion requires us to become absolutely bonkers, while there is enough good votes in just being stupid about it and then doing nothing.

Of course, that was more or less how the whole Brexit thing started so …

BTW, you refuse to give your name and instead give a hateful slogan and … a psychiatric evaluation is required?

What about “he is a radicalized moron thinking this is the great day of his life in his fight for his hateful cause?”

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Ah, but you forget the key difference: it was a white hateful moron this time.

The arse who murdered Jo Cox is a mentally disturbed loner, nothing to do with anything political. The arse who murdered fifty in Orlando, OTOH, was a Daesh/Hezbollah/Al-Qaeda Sunni-Shia terrorist superninja, nothing to do with gays or guns.

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.


I don’t think it’s a referendum on the Treaty of Utrecht, so I imagine Gibraltar is probably safe for now anyway.

Well, you know. Relatively speaking. I’m voting in, because I’m not a fucking lunatic, but it’s depressing to be on the same side as David Cameron, and voting for more neoliberal horseshit, but the alternative is even worse.


How very eXistenz …

Spain obviously no longer recognizes this treaty, or there wouldn’t have been the blockade in '69. The Spanish believe that England promised them the return of Gibralter in exchange for their not attacking it (and creating another front) during WWII, and have repeatedly asserted ownership of Gibralter over the last 70 years.

Current agreements are linked to Britain’s EU membership, as Spain’s signature of the Brussels agreement was only because that was the only way Britain wouldn’t veto their application to join the EEC.

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You know Spain in 69 was under a military dictatorship, right? One a bit … a lot… hell, a fascist one?

Spain position is that Gibraltar is Spanish, yes, and that they want some resolution to the conflict. That, I’m afraid, is a bit of stupidity directed to get votes when necessary from the ignorant (which are a great segment of the population)

Now, if the UK leaves the EU… why on Christ green earth would we invade a fellow NATO country, creating an international incident in which we can count NOT to have any friends (is the US going to chose Spain over the UK?)

That stupid scenario requires first that we get some Argentinian military junta level of right wing deluded cretins in power. The current bunch are perfectly happy with making noises, capturing some fishing vessel, and having regular opportunities to say “Gibraltar español” on TV.


Was that dictatorship still in place in 1997 when Abel Matutes proposed unconditional transfer back to Spain? Or in 2011 when Trinidad Jimenez said they wouldn’t engage in discussion including representatives from Gibralter? You can say this is political posturing, but if Spain’s foreign ministers keep making these statements the Gibralter population has every right to express concern.[quote=“JesusCouto, post:50, topic:80054”]
That stupid scenario requires first that we get some Argentinian military junta level of right wing deluded cretins in power.[/quote]
I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but we are on the edge of this happening all over the world, Europe and the US included.


but there’s a wide gap between “proposed unconditional transfer back to Spain” and " Spain will invade". I’m sure the Gibraltarians are concerned about leaving the EU, but probably more because of closed borders and less the risk of another Spanish Armada.


No, sorry. It is clear you are thinking of I dont know what, the news from some parallel Earth or so. I’ve been paying a lot of attention to Spain political climate (we vote … or not, not sure if I’m going to bother, this Sunday again). The possibilities of ANY kind of possible government going for ARMED invasion of Gibraltar is so down on the list of concerns as the polls for the far-right Vox party, one of his members arrested in Gibraltar yesterday for unfurling a 18-m Spanish flag. They look like they will, again, get no seats in Parliament.

There are plenty of sources of anxiety in this world and of reasons for being afraid. A Spanish invasion of Gibraltar is not even a blip on that radar


Spain (its goverments, of course), for example, doesnt want Gibraltar on the table, saying it is a issue between UK and Spain. From that to having the Legion’s goats * kicking the Gibraltar monkeys there is an abyss of WTF.

In case everybody is thinking OMG HE CALLED THE GIBRALTAR PEOPLE MONKEYS, no, I’m talking about actual monkeys. It is “said” that Gibraltar will be British as long as there are monkeys in it - to the tune of Churchill getting a lot of monkey inmigrants when it was looking like the native population was about to die.

BBC World Service, and basically every other news organization that has asked Gibraltar residents how they feel about Brexit. The fact that you are confident that Spain would never reassert sovereignty over the rock does not mean that Gibraltar residents are equally as confident. If you re unaware of this then I think that you’re the one getting your news from parallel Earth.

Excuse me, but I never mentioned “armed”. It is interesting that this seems to be a possibility on your mind.

If you want Gibraltar residents to stop fearing Spain, (a) tell your foreign ministers to shut the fuck up about Gibraltar (here’s your current onestirring the pot), (b) stop unfurling Spanish flags there, and (c) stop making fun of them for worrying about this.

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Excuse me. You are the one saying Spain will invade, not me. I dont even consider that a remote possibility, you are the one saying it is a certainty.

That the people from Gibraltar are afraid a SETTLEMENT may be reached between the UK and Spain, I could very well believe so. Is what the Spanish right wing pushes for and what the Llanitos constantly try to get the UK to say never, ever will happen.

The only one talking about invasion (and yes, it would have to be armed, or what do you think we are going to invade with, pensioners?) is you, not the Gibraltar media, not me, not anybody else. Well, probably the fucktard with the big flag but that would be like taking BNP foreign policy as what the UK will do.

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I never said Spain would invade, I said the fear of this is what is driving Gibraltar residents’ opinion on Brexit. Spanish national leaders have been fueling this fear for decades and continue to do so.

If you don’t think these residents are afraid of this then you are simply mistaken. They might not all envision armed soldiers marching on them, but many expect armed soldiers enforcing blockades. There is more than one way to subdue a people.

So you never said

“Evidently Gibralter is 90% in favor of staying in, not because they love Europe so much but because they’re afraid that the day after a vote to leave, Spain will invade.”

Sorry, cant just waste my time in this goalpost moving exercise. I’ve enough real fears to share with the Gibraltar people to be worring about the Schröedinger invasion.

Did you mean this one?

The quotes are about border closure and economical problems, not an invasion.