Terry Riley: A rare streaming concert on June 5 to benefit India COVID-19 relief

Originally published at: Terry Riley: A rare streaming concert on June 5 to benefit India COVID-19 relief | Boing Boing


Met him two years ago after a concert. It was like meeting a living deity. He is a man of such calm, goodwill and humour. A genius, one of the great composers of the last century, but with such grace and humility. Lovely man.

The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing…

I’m digging the left hands remarkable emphatic timing and groove… but not sure about the ‘East meets Jazz/blues’ of the right hand, predominantly pentatonic blues and lots of riffing on arpeggio shapes.

Easy to judge in hindsight but kinda have to judge this as appropriation of Indian culture in a cross your legs bum numbing indulgence that the audience seems to take as a given… musical art.

Not sure what the 2 tape machines were doing or the boxes on top of the organ but the main texture and vibe I was getting was The Doors - Riders On The Storm (which is not necessarily a bad metric)…

But does SoCal meets Indian raga really cut it Terry?

Having said that please support any contribution to the devastating crisis in India!

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