Tesla bursts into flames on highway, leaving nothing but metal debris behind (photos)



Isn’t that more or less what’s happening to TSLA right now?


Also, considering how many of those ICEs are non autos, most of the burnt out ICE vehicles I’ve seen have been camper vans and trucks…


1.5% of cars catch fire every year? Please, either add a valid cite showing these stats are not complete and utter bullshit or edit your post to delete them.


Ehhhh, that’ll buff out.


… but you can save most of the car and still have it be a total loss financially :thinking:


yeah, none of it is particularly hard to verify. this article is from a couple years ago:

If Tesla were an average car, we would have expected 0.23 Tesla fire deaths in 2016, 0.35 in 2017, 0.45 deaths in 2018, and 0.16 deaths in 1Q 2019," Brown wrote. That’s a total of 1.19 fire deaths over three years.

Business Insider has counted at least 20 reported incidents of Teslas catching on fire since 2013 and five deaths in the past 14 months

so they’re definitely out of line with any other car

they also catch fire without collision, and have left people trapped inside when door locks don’t work.

it’s not the ev car i would buy, even if i could get over the reports of racism and sexual harassment that are common in their company


Yeah that would mean that on any given day one in every 25,000 ICE cars burst into flame. More than ten times that many cars cross the San Francisco Bay Bridge daily, so assuming the average SF/East Bay commuter spent around 10% of their drive crossing the bridge (a pretty conservative estimate) we could expect an average of at least one car fire on the bridge per day. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car fire on that bridge and used to do that commute all the time.

Someone didn’t bother to think through the implications of the stats they were citing to see if they passed the sniff test.


if you remove enough heat you definitely can stop even a thermal runaway - you just need a ton of water.

Usually, when people say you need a “ton” of whatever, they’re exaggerating. But not this time. The report says the firefighters used 12,000 gallons of water, so apparently you need more than 50 tons (or 45.8 metric tons) of water. :slight_smile:


This is good news from the forensic evidence-disposal perspective.


Who said that? I don’t think you’ll find anyone anti-EV on BB. I’ve owned two electric cars and loved them. Everyone here is deadly serious about trying to solve climate change and EVs are a crucial part of it. Everyone here knows that.

This is just about rooting for Tesla to fail and deriving small glee from anything that goes wrong with a Tesla because fuck Musk.


173k highway vehicle fires was in 2020: U.S. highway vehicle fires 1980-2021 | Statista

The 1530 vs 25 fires per 100k comes from an article on Autoweek. The data is based on information from the government (NTSB): How Much Should You Worry About EV Fires?

Again, we can all agree Elon is a douche-nozzle of record proportions without equating EV safety to his level of asshatery.

Have you read the comments on this post? There are a LOT of people staking out claims that can only be described as anti-EV.

But, I do agree with the idea that the anti-EV crowd is a minority around here.

Have you read the comments on this post? Because OtherBrother already posted a correction to those figures, where the number of fires per gas car is orders of magnitude too high.


173k highway car fires in 2020… divided by 365 days in a year …

474 car fires a day. That is not failing the sniff test for me.

Yep. I mean I’m literally just waiting until the technology is cheaper and safer. I was never going to be an early adopter though. That’s just not me. I’m frugal and cautious and I dislike flashy status symbols for myself.

The culture around here is kind of desperate for ev and I think that’s why some of us are honestly sad and tired of naked emporers.


Tweets of engulfed Teslas should drive up membership. Oh, the irony!


But with a huge audience bent over in laughter.


Out of over 280 Million cars in the United States. If 1.5% of those cars were bursting into flame each year then that would be 4.2 Million per year, not 173 thousand.


I guess I’ll respectfully disagree on that one. The only people who are truly anti-EV are coal-rolling MAGAs. Being anti-EV is tantamount to climate change denial because we literally have no other practical options for decarbonizing transportation (calm down bicycle and public transportation nerds, you know what I mean).

The BB community is generally pretty reality-based though, and ridiculous claims like 1.5% of cars bursting into flame daily are not going to go unchallenged, regardless of one’s belief system.

You can be for something without being blindly devoted to it. EVs have some real issues we need to work on. That’s a very different statement than “the entire technology should be abandoned”.