Texas attorney general demands more armed church-goers


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And also to buy moar guns!!! and raise the stock prices of the gun manufacturers.

Cue George Carlin…

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Yeah, but your sense of pride in living in a safe place, can’t match the sense of pride these guys feel by being at the top of the food chain. Which one makes more money?


Great news! Now you don’t have to commit suicide by police anymore! Just wave a gun around the church of your choice and the death panel will do the rest.

Sarcasm! It’s what’s for dinner!


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Accidental discharge

If I had magic powers like Jesus I wouldn’t need to bring a gun to church.

Maybe if I drink enough “blood of Christ” I’ll gain some of His magic powers

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This weekend at work, I was informed that:

1 - Good Guys with guns kill bad guys with guns RIGHT BEFORE the bad guys kill lots of people, and this happens ALL THE TIME, but the “mainstream media” keep it secret

2 - ANTIFA failed to overthrow the USA on Nov 4th because they were afraid of all the gun owners

3 - “Rush was right, if we had sent all the Muslims in America ‘home’ then no one would have shot up the church in Texas”

I feel so knowledgeable now. And safe.


Beecher’s Bibles. Although at least they had a specific purpose in mind, and weren’t meant for just general carrying around, in case.

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We don’t know if any in that congregation were carrying. This is Texas, after all. We do know that there were “good guys with guns” at Umpqua, and they didn’t have any effect.

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More guns, more shootings. The problem is that some people believe they are therefore relatively better-off by arming themselves, which is probably a rational response for the individual but bad in the aggregate. The answer is gun control but people who think the situation is beyond government help see gun control as reducing their personal security. Interesting problem.

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If Texas church-goers want to all carry guns, I’m okay with that, no skin off my nose. They’re a discrete enough group (and sufficiently far enough away from anywhere I’m going to ever go) that it doesn’t impact anyone else too much if they start accidentally shooting each other during Sunday services. If that’s how they want to go out, who am I to stop them?

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The sad thing is that a significant portion of the people who voted for tRump believe some variant of these (or similarly batshit theories).

After the vegas shooting, I had to listen to a co-worker (whose mom was at the concert, escaped with her life, but in their party one of the adult kids of the mom’s friend was killed) go on about how the shooter had an assistant on the 4th floor, that he was anti-tRump, and was Antifa. Not exactly a situation where you can go “Hey, sorry your Mom got shot at, and you lost a friend of the family, but stop being a batshit conspiracy theorist who gets regular information enemas from Breitbart!”…

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So, it seems that the Air Force failed to report to the FBI the gunman’s domestic assault convictions, and that allowed him to pass the background check needed to buy the guns that he used in his latest crime. Heads should roll, perhaps all the way up to the Commander in Chief.

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Some great victim blaming going on with the gun nut right wingers. It’s their own damn fault for getting shot cause they weren’t armed to the teeth. This fucking country is the laughing stock of the planet. We as American probably piss enough money away on guns to end world poverty. Dear god, we are ate up.

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And that’s what they say when the victims were Christian conservatives who likely agreed with right-wing opposition to gun control. Imagine how much victim-blaming we’d be seeing if the victims had been attending a mosque.