Texas megachurch lets pedophile pastor Robert Morris resign

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/19/texas-megachurch-lets-pedophile-pastor-robert-morris-resign.html


and plan to conduct a thorough “review of the report of past abuse to ensure we have a complete understanding of the events.”

…“and which reports of they assured all members of the church will never appear on 4chan or be used in any fashion which doesn’t contribute to future efforts to keep such lamentable events from reaching the public awareness of which as such withal and such-like”

Clemishire wrote in a statement Tuesday. “He should have been terminated.”

…pretty sure he “should” be charged with rape. (and receive an extra two years for political projection)


A whole news cycle after it came out Morris and the church were still saying he’d be preaching on weekends. Lol, no. This is the kind of shit that gets you cast out of society and into the corrections system there buddy. You’ll probably be too busy talking to your lawyers to do much preaching anyway.

This minimization is understandable in Morris’ case as he is trying to obfuscate the unforgivable particulars of his conduct. But I’d hope anyone who is in that church examines the org’s behaviours and decisions and GTFO of there.


Xtianist preachers always have some form of hackneyed “Why Leadership Matters” sermon in their repertoires, mainly to remind their congregations how indispensable they are to the organisation and its mission and culture. I have no doubt that Morris was not an exception to this rule, and I also have no doubt many of the suckers in his megachurch are now studiously pretending he never gave such a speech.


Clemishire wrote in a statement Tuesday. “He should have been terminated.”


These drag queens…

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