Pastor busted for gay sex in church van newly arrested for stealing $60K from church

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Why do Religious Conservatives obsess about LGBT Americans & their sex lives so much?

Apparently thay are jealous?


One wonders if you’re allowed to preach the Lord by twos or threes.

Or even to an entire congregation at once.

Poor sap.

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Are those tear stains on his mugshot shirt, or . . . oh, never mind.


I’m curious if a “screw him” gay shaming campaign because he happens to be a raging hypocrite is the right response, by people who would not ordinarily support shaming people due to homosexual acts. I know I know, it’s not the being gay that’s being targeted – but honestly, it sure kind of reads that way. And at the end of the day, isn’t this victim-blaming on one level, when the church is the culprit, and this guy is obviously, at least on some level, a victim of that system? How about we shame the people in this man’s life who instilled in his thinking at a young age, the idea that his inclinations were extremely evil and wrong. Methinks that his being indoctrinated with this idea would lead to a HUGE number of lifelong issues, of which stealing and hypocrisy would be likely manifestations of.


“Sincerity is the key. Once you can fake that you’ve got it made.”


Alex, I’ll go with “Love the sinner, hate the sin” on this one.
Being gay isn’t the issue; it’s the hypocrisy.


Yes. Matthew 18:20.

Also, why are you all hating on hypocrites? Is anyone here always honest and earnest? I believe hypocrisy is the very foundation of civilization.

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This specific instance seems more like Matthew 10:16, non?

Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves.

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Or Matthew 15:11:

It is not what goes into a man’s mouth which makes him unclean, but what comes out of it.

So, swallow.


Victory Apostolic Church



In an ideal world it wouldn’t be; but there are strategic considerations as well:

It is morally tragic that he was damaged by being brought up in a virulently repressive subculture; but the trouble is that, now, he is taking an active role(as a pastor) in perpetuating the problem. If we leave him be, he’ll bring the pain for a subsequent generation, and isn’t terribly likely to get any happier himself as time goes on.

If he goes down for some combination of immorality and hypocritical behavior; that substantially neutralizes him as an agent of the problem ideology; and may make him more miserable, may result in his finding a more hospitable niche.

If he were just a more or less passive adherent, trying to keep his head down, I’d be very much against outing him, and consider doing so to be exquisitiely cruel and mostly pointless. Guy’s life blows up in his face, and for what?

He is leadership, though. Even if he is also a victim; he is very much a danger. Hounding him after he leaves would be in dreadful taste; but there’s a much stronger argument to be made in favor of neutralizing his authority over a congregation.

It’s not something to gloat over; but the world is such that people can be victim and aggressor at the same time; and if they are too much the latter, an excess of compassion toward them is, unfortunately, a dearth of compassion for their victims.


That line has always been a bit creepy; but got a lot creepier with the invention of compound 1080 LP collars…


I would say all these reposts from Christian Nightmares are getting a bit tiresome, but I guess they’re getting clickthroughs and drawing comments, so…

I’d just like to say that is an objectively terrible dating site profile. I would have thought it was a mockup injected with placeholder text.

Well, it isn’t victim blaming to condemn someone who suffers abuse and then grows up to abuse. While the one may contribute to the other, they are separate things. Victim blaming is when you say someone who is mistreated deserved it or was at fault.

However, nothing I can see int he articles actually says that he or his church preaches anti-gay messages. It might be easy to infer that from the facts of the situation, but as near as I can tell, at this point it is only an insinuation made by friendly athiest and repeated on boing boing based on the fact that he is a preacher from the south and was apparently having sexual relations (consensual with an adult) in the back of a van, and then denied it. Admittedly, that fits a stereotype pretty well, but unless you are going to actually dig up some evidence of his anti-gay preaching, then making fun of him for being a closeted gay is actually just gay bashing.


Indeed…it looks like a tragedy to me (considering we currently have no evidence that he was particularly anti-gay…if he turns out to be a gay-basher like some, then my feelings would change). A gay man, raised to believe his feelings were sinful, suppresses them, marries and (according to his bio) has two children. He can’t keep the feelings at bay and is driven to act out. Certainly he shouldn’t have stolen money, but the far worse damage has been done to his family.

Why is this even a topic on boingboing?

What is with the anti-Christian slant on the site?


It’s just another boingboing pile on.

What’s with the assumption, any time a Christian does something newsworthy (which is almost always hypocritical and/or illegal), that discussing the situation makes a group “anti-Christian”? Especially when there are a number of openly Christian posters at this site?



The dude was/is preaching at an Apostolic church. These hold that both homosexuality and homosexual acts are sinful and condemnable as well as satanic in origin.

Because they are fucked up and can’t stop worrying about what other people are doing with their genitals or something.