Citation please. This article argues otherwise: Fetuses Feel Pain at 20 Weeks, and 4 Other Anti-Abortion Myths – Mother Jones
The majority (some sources say ~98%) of abortions already happen before week 20 (and ~90% in the first 12 weeks). For those ~2%, don’t you think this law is going to make things much more difficult for them? Also, from what I have read (one link:, fetal genetic defects are not necessarily visible before 20 weeks.
Citation please. Also, how is being inspected once a year less safe than being inspected once every three years?
Less than 0.5% of abortions result in major complications. Also, are you really saying that a woman needs a doctor with her in order for the ER to admit her during an emergency?
You also seem to be implying that abortion doctors are refused admitting privileges because they are not good doctors. Do you really think that the refusal has nothing to do with the fact that they are performing abortions? Also, don’t admitting privileges come with requirements like living close to the hospital, admitting a certain number of patients per year (hard to do if your patients rarely have complications), or attending meetings? [Note: In general, the requirements for admitting privileges vary from hospital to hospital and also have different “levels” at a given hospital.]
The fact that other states have gotten away with this does not make it less of a problem.
You also seem to be really focused on “for profit businesses”. If these businesses are making so much money, why is it expected that most of them are going to be shut down because of the cost of upgrading their facilities?
The reality is that with the passing of these laws women are probably just going to go to black markets to get their abortions. How is that better? Bloomberg - Are you a robot?