Text adventure about being in Ikea and hating it there

SCP-3008: SCP-3008 - SCP Foundation


I went to IKEA recently. (The big one in Croydon with the chimneys.) Tried to kill time with cheap coffee. It was rammed full of people not wearing masks. Understandable why they weren’t. It’s uncomfortable. They’re not required to. And no one else is. I lasted about twenty seconds. Perhaps the OP should be updated to add dying of a preventable disease to the soul-crushing.


I not only love IKEA, but I love-love assembling the furniture.

The vignettes hype my brain way up, and I look in all the drawers/doors and also jump out of the fake showers as if I had been taking one when someone peeks in. I trawl through the yard sale section for oddball objects and run my fingers though the little bins of spare hardware bits.

I might be broken.

Also: meatballs!!!


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