Originally published at: Text-only news sites going strong in 2022 | Boing Boing
CNN is a reich-winger propaganda outlet. Proof abounds.
But how much more traffic would they get if they had mouths-for-eyes portraits and AI generated images?
No mention of Drudge. How the mighty have fallen.
Thanks! More bookmarks for those of us internet neanderthals who still use text based browsers to view the eWorld. (yknow links, lynx, w3m, and emacs, oh my) (“ads? what ads?”)
how is it 2022, and i’m only just learning of this!? that looks to be an amazing way to scan the news of the day.
When GDPR was first introduced that was what was served up by NPR if you refused cookies. I think they thought it would force people to accept them, but it was actually really refreshing.
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