Thanksgiving dinner costs 14% more than last year

Originally published at: Thanksgiving dinner costs 14% more than last year | Boing Boing

Thanks a lot, Sleepy Joe!! /s


The articles about Christmas shopping are going to be fun this way, too.

I’d hope that inflation would put a damper on America’s holiday-season obsession with consumerism, but it’s more likely to exacerbate the whinging of adults with the mentality of a spoiled 8-year-old.


Yep. Food costs have been rising every year for a while now. This is known. Lots of articles on inflation are popping up now to influence elections. Expect more heading into the mid-terms.

I must be doing it wrong. Hell, throw in some wine and that cost is blown out of the water. Double Hell, throw in some Turkey Flavored Whisky and you’ve busted the budget!

$53.31 seems fictional at best.

Funny, when the gQp was in power things looked different to the Farm Bureau…


I got a turkey for $7.00 US, turkeyflation is a thing.


Where were these articles when the wife was feeding me and our adult child with less than 50 bucks a week when republicans were in charge? The problem then was the lack of income.

Now were very fortunate that, for us, things have gotten much better and we can afford to buy groceries.

The wife still shops at Aldi and Meijer although since the pandemic coupons are thing of the past.

Aldi, as of a couple days ago, still had Butterball for 89 cents a pound and Meijer still had store brand turkeys for 39 cents a pound.

If you’re willing to look for the deals you can still get some nice affordable groceries. People with very limited finances are familiar where the cheap food is and I feel sorry for them because those sources are drying up or going up in price.

The people I have a problem with are the very wealthy complaining that groceries have gone up while refusing to even look at places like Aldi and are still eating out several nights a week with daily Starbucks. Those people never complained when things were tough during any republican administration.

Our family Thanksgiving dinners were never very expensive because they were actual family dinners. Everyone brought food, not a single family was responsible for the entire meal.

For the second year in a row it’s just me, the wife, several cats, and a .39/lb 16lb turkey. She’s making me 2 pies as I type this. I will miss the Costco Pumpkin pie though, those things are awesome.

Now, where’s that spatchcock recipe?


Absolutely! The slew of these articles coming out the past week or two serve mostly to exploit nobody-reads-the-source-itis. It’s a big dramatic claim for them to slap on cable news chyrons, but then the first paragraph of the report reveals that this massive 14% increase comes out to… 41 cents per person.


Aw heck, how much does a huntin’ license cost these days? Surely y’all have a friend or two whose family tradition includes game hunting starting at the first cold snap, right?

Oh for someone–anyone–willing to come thin the deer population over here please and thank you…


are people really gathering for dinners of 10 people?!

i mean, im happy to be vaccinated and all - but im not putting myself maskless, indoors, sitting across from other people eating and trying to over speak each other

i feel like the 41 cents? ( thanks @BenFranks ) is of relatively lower importance in articles about this year’s gluttony day


I got a frozen turkey for free for just buying groceries. I call bullshit.


Many grocery stores give out coupons over the course of the year that can be redeemed for free or cheap foods. I kept one voucher since July and redeemed it for a free bird last week. That said, turkeys are the traditional loss leaders during the holidays and most of the other ingredients are rising in price.


Even if I were obscenely rich, I would do the majority of my grocery shopping at Aldi. It’s absurd to pay normal grocery store prices for fundamental foodstuffs, and Aldi helps me keep our food budget really low so that we can spend money on our other priorities.


Yeah, maybe they need to learn to shop better. $1.50/lb? Try $0.33/lb. And who knew that buying a seasonal item out of season would cost more? Apparently not these guys.


I all fairness, 40 plus years in the food industry makes me a bargain hunter for all food items, but anyone can learn to be frugal, if ya want to.


Have they tried being poor? :wink: Teaches you a lot of useful skills.


I can never un-learn those lessons, plus I like to eat.


i worked in grocery for… quite a number of years til recent. my impression has been that prices have been rising steadily the last 4 or 5 years, pretty much for everything other than produce - to the point where i thought the cost of living numbers were busted, because year over year, everything was more expensive

im curious if maybe they’ve changed their metrics more recently and started to capture some of the price rises that have always been there

( not that im disputing the extra special pandemic price rises. and where i personally really notice that is getting takeout. soo spendy now )


My wife and daughter belong to a couple Aldi Facebook groups, they are very helpful in finding out when the good deals come in.

And, oh my, the Advent Calendars are out of control. There is a calendar for everyone from Barbie Dolls to coffee, chocolate, cheese, wine, beer, gnomes, and on and on.

I’m thinking about trying their mattress in a box, it has great reviews but it only comes out a couple times a year and you have to act fast.


Does Aldi carry much that’s organic? Does it try to support small and local farmers, and when not, unionized labor?

I try to do support such things by shopping at smaller, locally owned (and well paying to their employees) grocery stores.

So far, I don’t trust a megacorp like the one that owns Aldi to do such things, and I can’t see shopping there and overlooking such things, just so I can get lower prices (I already greatly lower my food bill by avoiding meat).


It’s not like this is new, either, but I remember a few years ago a bunch of news stories about package sizes getting smaller but keeping the same price. I’ve noticed it myself a few times. It really messes up my “one carton of this, one can of that” recipes.

I would hope any cost of living metrics wouldn’t be fooled that easily.