The American school of firearms instruction

After a long and interesting thread, I think I’m going to have to agree (in part) with @Mister44. I don’t see insurance changing things much when it comes to behavior except by reducing access through cost, which ends up looking a lot like a sin tax.

I’m going to support more of @Mister44’s ideas* like mandatory gunlocks, mandatory training, and smart trigger locks on guns to prevent the apprenetly small number of accidents and firearm misuse by otherwise law-abiding citizens. Also, increasing penalties for misuse of firearms and imposing strict liabaility for gun related injuries. The market based approach has merits in theory, but I think a regulatory approach is more likely to be effective.

Thanks everyone for participating and keeping it (mostly) civil. I’ve quite enjoyed the debate!

*these are his ideas, though he might not see it that way, so I expect some blowback from this comment :slight_smile:

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