The Biden Administration. Document the atrocities - Praise the graces

At this point why would anyone trust the USA to hold up to their end of any agreement?


Interesting way to put it. What ideology is that? I mean, “anti-Democrats” isnt an “ideology” that I’ve ever heard of.

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The whole “isn’t doing anything to revive it” line needs a huge asterisk, though. As in, if there were diplomatic overtures with Iran about renewing the deal, some of the last people on the planet to hear about it would be writers from Jacobin.


Yeah, that’s the problem. Biden Administration? Possibly. But what’s the next administration going to be like? That’s the thing we’ve learned: that the US is one bad election result away from breaking international treaties and generally acting Stupid Evil in the most blatant and counterproductive ways.

Reforming the current Republicans into a sane and reasonable party would help an awful lot, but failing that, just ensuring they’re too marginalized to win the Presidency, and preferably unable to control the Congress as well, would be doable.

This is a big problem. A lot of people in Europe and elsewhere, after Obama was elected, thought that the W. administration had been an anomaly. (I was one of them.) Trump’s election made it horribly clear that no, the US politics are broken in a very serious way. It will take many, many reasonable administrations before anyone is going to start trusting in the sanity and okay-ness of America again.



Speaking as a U.S.-born and raised human ( :female_sign: :wave:t5: ), I see my country as having been an incredibly heterogeneous and charged mixture from its inception.

Day One (give or take a few years):

Slavery, temperance, religious uh tolerance (?) (wow, some of this 1645 language was new to me), monarchists vs wild-eyed revolutionary folks opposed to British rule*, genocides on a continental scale…

(and later, hundreds of broken treaties:


[@Mindysan33 please feel free chime in and correct me, I am certain I am missing much but am kinda weak on my early American history]

… so one way to view U.S. history is to regard the spasms of clarity, sanity and justice in it as successes of the aspirational-made-real, wherein ordinary, thoughtful people (still in touch with their own humanity) united to take control of the main narrative from The Greed Community.

People–some U.S. citizens, some not–on the receiving end of institutionalized violence via U.S. governmental and dominant cultural power structures often see things differently than the officially curated image, whether their experience makes it into meaningful recorded history or national dialogue. Or not.

A lot of us were hoping for a much improved or I daresay evolved U.S. society and government under Barack Obama’s two terms. The problems (including immigration policies, agriculture policies, incipient white supremacy movements that could have been addressed early, etc. etc.) in his time as our president are well-documented . Yes. Problems. We know.

It all seems miraculous in hindsight, that the man even got in to office.
Aspirational, made real.


We are diverse. We are interesting. We manage to co-exist peacefully sometimes.

Please know some of us here still do aspire, and do the work in support of what America officially promises, even as we pitch, yaw, and roll in our struggling, clumsy, inefficient, good bad awful American way toward a positive future. My continuing thanks to Stacey Abrams and the countless others working the problems:

Please do listen to that TED Radio Hour, if you can.
Guaranteed tonic for the soul.
Then… please… consider getting involved in whatever way you can. Getting people to the polls during an election, handing out voter registration cards when you are out and about, sitting on the couch doing phonebanking in your own home, showing up at public meetings, donating, looking out for the vulnerable.

It’s gonna take all of us.

Not a documentary but...



I am equally horrified and unsurprised by this.


Neither Biden nor Trump has the brains to decide our foreign policy, but how stupid can we be?

China and Iran recently signed a ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ agreement that will span 25 years and encompass Iran’s energy, infrastructure and technology sectors – valued up to $400 billion.
This thumbs the nose at unilateral US sanctions and gives China a base for operations in the Middle East.
While the US has done nothing but fuck things up over there, giving China a foothold makes no sense. They are reaching out to the Saudis and other nations, as well. I guess the only good thing to come of it would be that China plans to advocate for Palestine, correcting one of our human rights abuses by omission.


Let’s see how much education gets shall we…

:musical_score: Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss :musical_note:


She was a PR consultant for a private multinational tech company that made equipment that some countries, including Israel, use for purposes that are sometimes questionable. The revolving door between the White House and the arms industry should be closed, but I think the headline is misleading.


Despite Promises to Listen to Tribes and Fight Climate Change, Biden Administration Allows Oil to Continue Flowing Through Dakota Access Pipeline

Pipeline has no permit and is an affront to Tribal sovereignty; jeopardizes drinking water supply for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe


Gotta love those campaign promises…


So they’re giving the country back to the people who live there? Fully withdrawing all U.S. presence and control?


Ah, just “troops.” Got it.

Big difference there, but “Whatever,” sez corporate media, “pay no attention to U.S. hegemony behind the curtain.”


Hell to the yes motherfrs!


Except that Pelosi has gone on record opposing it and doesn’t plan on giving it a floor vote. When the Ds have adopted the Rs language around “court packing,” the battle may be lost before it even starts.


Biden isn’t ending the Afghanistan War, he’s privatizing it: Special Forces, Pentagon contractors, intelligence operatives will remain


But surprisingly, the usual suspect isn’t where you think he is: