Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/04/07/jersey-barriers-r-us.html
This is what happens when senior bureaucrats are there because of political appointment.
What BS. Sounds like somebody in the BLM has friends that thinks this a tasty spot to extort money from.
The Event In The Desert has gotten too damn big. BLM is doing us a favor, by imposing limits that BMORG is unwilling to impose on itself.
In '97 the event was moved to the next county over. It can be done again. No, it won’t be simple or easy or quick, because it is too damn big.
Unlimited growth at any cost is something default reality does that makes things like burning man necessary. While slogans like, “leave no trace” certainly sound noble, the carbon footprint of an event like this cannot be rationalized away.
I don’t think the BLM expects BMORG to comply with these ridiculous requirements, I think its expected that we will disband or go elsewhere. Mutate or Die, my lovelies! This development is long overdue.
They should just tell blm they’re mining uranium, then they’ll let them do whatever they want.
Burning Man Dirt Bike Convention and Hoedown.
Carbon footprint per person per day would be a better measurement, and I suppose it isn’t much higher (and may be lower) than it is for other, more typical events.
THAT should own the libs!
Welcome to Trumpistan
It’s too bad that Bohemian Grove is on private land. I’d love to see BLM’s impact statement on that.
Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head, there. Burning Man is a bunch of filthy hippies and not upstanding citizens like Cliven Bundy!
19,000,000lb concrete wall
I’m lost…
We have to stop the hippies drug fest!
Jersey barrier vs bowling ball cannons?
this may be a hot take, but maybe that’s not a bad thing. i’ve never been to burning man - because i don’t have the money to fly across the country, rent an RV (or link up with someone who owns one and pitch in for supplies), and it’s grown much much larger than when it first started.
now that I’m at a point where I could go, I’m not even inclined to, since people I know who do all lament that it’s increasingly having rich folks set up elaborate camps for themselves.
And while it’s not considered cool to admit, it does generate a lot of trash and stuff.
All good festivals/events eventually come to an end. Maybe groups of like minded folks will create smaller events (like the local burns), but I think any community that grows and grows eventually loses it’s charm.
i heard it’s turning the frogs gay
Edit: most people don’t know Alex Jones got his big break from infiltrating Bohemian Grove:
Dumpsters + Fire =
We have to build a wall, those people are animals!
The footprint of the rich glampers is relatively small on the playa. Most people spend a thousand or two on their experience, probably less than most vacations. Yes they are the ones who get publicity and fund large scale art and art cars, but in day to day life you don’t meet that many of them because they live in their bubbles.
The “related headline” I saw immediately below this story was about Burning Man purging the infamous 1%-er camp last year. Could this be an outcome of that?