Thinking rationally and supporting Trump are mutually exclusive - he is the Republican id, the end result of decades of conservative anti-intellectualism.
If you were to try to think things through, the first goal is to find someone who would be able do all the things a president is supposed to do. After that the goal is to find someone whose policy positions are the least bad fit. Thinking rationally, you would consider all their policy positions and weigh them against one another. TPP is bad. Levying tariffs on China and starting a trade war, worse. Advocating being the war crime president, instant disqualification, and thatâs but one out of a plethora of instant disqualifications. But those are policy matters. Before you worry about policy, you need to consider if it would be reasonable to put the candidate in a potion of great responsibility. Trump is an irresponsible, childish, delusional, narcissist totally unfit to serve in office ethically, emotionally, intellectually, temperamentally, in terms of practical experience, and in most other senses. This is the thing to worry about before hand-wringing about TPP.
For what itâs worth, if college educated voters support him, this is an indictment of the American university systemâs sad descent into becoming glorified trade schools.