Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/28/ready-tiger-mother.html
No match for my OS Cyberspace 7
“Thing ought to be in a museum,”
640x320 px per eye sounds rough.
Wouldn’t it be more like a Timex Sinclair, modified to run Windows 7 on an external bank of Pentiums, and a 100 MB external hard drive with the complete works of Ladysmith Black Mambazo?
I was a bit skeptical until I realized the display also could be slid into a head mounted display. That’s a proper cyberspace deck, that is.
640x720, surely? Granted, not that much better, but still less painful than some of the low-res goggles I was using in the '90s.
Is there a tube to roll up the cutting mat to take it with? Because that looks like it belongs with everything.
Tinfoil haberdasher makes no sense. Who needs small items for sewing that? Milliner, perhaps. Or is this another case of you young’uns with your sketchy knowledge changing the meaning of that word, too?
I imagined Case’s deck as being less like a laptop and more like a game controller.
Only blank keyboards are truly cyber.
Blank keys and a Dvorak layout. Security through obscurity.
at this point it’s legally required to run CRT (cool retro terminal ) on it;
and then hollywood.
so this happens.
There’s been several attempts here at posting builds of homemade “cyberspace decks” and they all seem to have tiny screens. I don’t get it. Maybe I missed a passage where they were described as such, but I thought the point is that they didn’t need screens (or keyboards) because they were neural controlled and used your brain for input and output.
Neuromancer talks about a Cray monitor and I assume that today that would be a fairly vanilla video device. Case always talked about jacking in with that socket behind his ear. Visually I thought of something like an electronic keyboard, with specialized buttons and a socket for a memory module. Presumably the monitor was so that Corto and Molly could keep an eye on the proceedings.
edit: remember that Case couldn’t get out of Neuromancer’s Moroccan beach construct without help from the outside. That implies a neural interface.
Case put a band with electrodes on it over his forehead to access the deck neurally, but it’s still controlled at least partially by manual controls. There’s a couple of references in Neuromancer that can be taken either way, but in Count Zero it’s pretty explicit that you still have to use the keyboard/other controls.
I love the power glove, it’s so bad.