The despised Comic Sans reincarnates as a redesigned programming font

… not sure we win an argument just by accusing our opponents of secretly agreeing with us :thinking:

I don’t hate comic sans, I’d just most likely chose many other fonts over it.

Nickelback’s music is not good, and will motivate me to change the channel, I wouldn’t have chucked a bottle of piss at them, but I wouldn’t try and stop someone who would. I’m saving spending time in jail for hurling a bottle of piss at someone worthwhile, like Rees Mogg.


Should we make that a crowdfunding effort?

(Naah, I’m just taking the piss. Sans doubt, sans comic.)

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We could make it into a dunking tank I suppose…



Yes, those are all different letters.


sometimes i think about what dyslexia must be like in other languages. just looking at arabic

or thai

or japanese:



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It’s the I’s and the l’s (see? see!) that have fucked it up. HOW no-one noticed this til we’d sent tens of thousands of the bastard things out I’ll never know. The solution (no, it is not ‘use a sane type face’, because of course it’s not) is fucking ludicrous, but I’m loath to say what it is, because my griping might get back to them somehow which would be Bad, cos it would easily identify our dept. (and me).


i have an id card like that – impossible to distinguish between the zeros, the ohs, the ones, and the els. and mine has some mixture of all of those. :scream_cat:

( the one time i needed to read it over the phone, the person on the other end of the line laughed along in shared despair )


What’s the difference in the top two sets of ideograms in the Japanese example? I don’t see it.

The length of some of the horizontal strokes in the characters

I can barely see that zoomed in. That’s got to be really hard to do correctly when writing at speed.

Thing that stands out to me is there’s a space between the second horizontal line and the inverted V (roof, dunno) in the right ideogram, the left they’re connected, I’m wondering if it’s one of those “figure it out in context” things that english loves.

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On my local library card, the barcode is misprinted so that starts to overlap with the id number just below.

And the way this particular library is set up is you need to type in your ID card all the time, though the clerks have barcode scanners.

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If you must autogenerate passwords, remove the letters lowercase-ell and uppercase-Eye from the candidate set. While you’re at it, also remove capital-Oh and the digit zero. You can compensate for that by making all passwords two characters longer. That lets the marketing department pick whatever font they please for their notification letters (but then they’ll probably select blackletter Gothic).


Yeah, tell that to the people who are on the steering committees for this shit and get paid for times as much as me :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Not that it helps this particular use case, but my password manager uses different colors for capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. I hadn’t seen that before and thought it clever.

(it also has an option to not use ambiguous characters)


Why not send them a letter with a new password that looks like “lI0IlOlIl” and see how they get on with it? Special characters required? Toss in a few pipe symbols.

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calling @Jesse13927 :wink: but, yeah, i’m assuming when reading a sentence in context, maybe only one of the kanji makes sense in that spot, so your brain would pick up the right one.

( although i’m also sure there are times misreading kanji must make people do a double take. like reading a wrong word in english that has a similar shape. )

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I am Not Allowed to make suggestions, even (especially) if they are funny.

That sucks, man. But if these guys prefer to find out about their dumb choices from outraged and irate customers after the fact rather than from helpful and considerate staff before the fact, they probably don’t deserve any better (except that they’ll probably make it out to be your fault).

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