The Economist: Hard Right election win in Germany takes it into "uncharted territory"

What did I say?

“Thuringia: CDU MP recommends exploratory [coalition] talks with AfD”[1]

Taking bets now: naiveté or lie?

“This Pippi Longstocking policy, in which we say: ‘The AfD is a bad child, you are not allowed to play with them’, has failed,” she said. She assumes that the party will allow itself to be “disenchanted” in serious exploratory talks.

  1. She’s a (new) member of the Thuringia state parliament, not the federal parliament, but that is difficult to convey in the headline format ↩︎


Is she saying the the CDU need to hold talks with the AfD before they can allow themselves to decide that the AfD is not an acceptable coalition partner?


Pretty much. And that they have to “respect the voters” by considering the AfD as a coalition partner. Somehow I have a feeling that these talks would turn into “we have to allow them to be disenchanted by being in office, as our coalition partners”.

As a fig leaf she also says they should talk to the left party (die Linke) in exploratory talks. But that’s what it is, a fig leaf about being open minded towards #bothsides


That’s a pretty bold strategy, because there was ample opportunity for everyone in the last decade to become “disenchanted” with the AfD. Those who aren’t want to be enchanted

Frau Schweinsburg has a bit of a history of collaborating with the AfD. And she’s not exactly on the far left of the CDU, either. Which doesn’t answer your question at all, because intelligence does not necessarily increase when you move further to the right.


Frustrated George Costanza GIF

Ryan Reynolds Ugh GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


Hmmmm…a German conservative establishment party considering an alliance with a fascist party of bigotry. Why does that story seem so familiar…?


OK, this is a complicated German-language pun, but you clearly know your (von) Papenheimer


“Uncharted territory”??
The Economist is probably unaware of a certain short Austrian with a shorter moustache and an even shorter fuse, who took Germany into that same territory about 65+ years ago.




Uncharted my ass.
That was literally 2/3 of the programming on the history channel from 1989-2002


I think I’ve forgotten a lot of children’s literature. Is she comparing the AfD to the character of Pippi?


I’ve forgotten a lot as well, but yeah, pretty much.


she just “forgot” that even the already normalisied european far-right-partys are refusing to work with the afd;

es ist einfach nur noch zum kotzen, wie sich die gegen-grün-hetzende-merz-cdu immer wieder aufs ekelhafteste bei den faschisten anbiedert. die afd ist keine bürgerliche partei, ihr verdammten arschlöcher! aber die grünen sind eine! die sind schon lange nicht mehr “links”! je-des-mal die gleiche scheisse, wenn die pfründe bedroht scheinen.


ekelhaft ist das richtige Wort. Ich versteh’s einfach nicht. Da hat man die gesamte Geschichte als Anschauungsmaterial und fällt auf die gleichen billigen Tricks rein. Sowas geht halt nur, wenn man drauf reinfallen will, weil die anderen demokratischen Parteien sind ja alle sooo links, dass man lieber mit den Faschos zusammenarbeitet als mit dem Grünen, der vielleicht in den Achtzigern als Student mal Gras geraucht hat, inzwischen aber den Benz vor dem Eigenheim parkt oder mit dem SPDler der in der Gewerkschaft angefangen hat und jetzt im Vorstand sitzt.


I think you mean the Hitlery channel

And now I think about it, most of the other 1/3 was about the Romans. It might explain a lot about the obsessions of the far-right.


I’m German and lay a lot of the blame at the feet of the CDU (middle right) and FDP (neoliberal). The CDU oozes with AFD-envy and has followed a strategy of dipping its toes in far right water with its talking points. This hasn’t brought the CDU any new votes but is has done a lot to normalize casual racism etc. Many, many CDU politicians would be just as home in the AFD.

The FDP is a party that was voted by only a tiny number of people but became part of the ruling coalition. The finance minister is FDP. SInce the FDP is only interested in enriching its 1%er clientele, none of whom have to suffer the consequences of bad policies, they’ve done what they can to sabotage any attempts at progress with its fanatical adherence to austerity.

The CDU, the FDP and large parts of the media landscape the got together to write an over-the-top, frothing-at-the-mouth narrative about how the Greens are evil infiltraitors trying to destroy Germany in order to grow organic produce in its ashes. I’m not even a friend of the Green party but I wish people showed as much alarmism and disdain towards the far right as they show the Greens.


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