The FCC will move to kill net neutrality over Thanksgiving and it thinks that we'll all be too busy eating and shopping to notice

Long and proud tradition of moving the goalposts, too.

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Posted elsewhere, but may as well put it here, too.

Back in 2014, I had been uploading very large Photoshop files to a client’s server when my speed slowed to a crawl. It went on for an hour or so, at which point I called Comcast to see what was up. The representative I spoke with said that they had detected increased upload activity on my account and had suspected I was pirating files, and throttled my account. (She said “slowed your speed as a precautionary measure.”) I explained that I was uploading large files of artwork for my job. She said “No problem, I can easily turn it back on. There, it’s done.” And my speed went back to normal.

This is what Net Neutrality prevents. It stops Comcast and Verizon from deciding they don’t like you and that you don’t deserve the high speed internet you paid for. It stops them from deciding you’ve watched too many Netflix movies this month, or that you’re streaming too much music, and they’re going to slow you down for a few weeks. It keeps cable companies and ISPs honest.


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