The First Reddit Twine Game-Building Jam

Twine is a game creation tool that allows anyone to create their own interactive stories and games. Whether it is Twine 1.4 or 2.x it spits out an HTML file that you can have draw off of a directory of resources for audio, pictures, and the like. It is Open Sourced and is loosly based off of Tiddlywiki, though so heavily modified that it is very distinctive. Also the editor gives you a good tree/branch/web visual of all the different story chunks/pages.

Let’s treat this first one as a warm-up. The theme will be pretty loose and the restrictions few. If anything needs clarifying or discussing we can do so below.

Theme: Exploration Flex those descriptive muscles. Instead on starting with a defined plot/narrative, let the landscape take shape and push the story forward. Exploring a subterranean grotto? Awesome. Sifting through your house on moving day? Great. Strolling through the park at night? Totally fits. Enjoy using Twine to navigate the place you’ve created.

There’s no word limit, so it can be a sparse or as dense as you like, just have fun with it and see where you end up.

Deadline: Post a link to your Twine game here by Midnight (UTC) 14th of September

If you’re new to the whole twine thing, some good places to post your game are Neocities, or, though I personally find the easiest to be Philomela.

Cool, get writing and we’ll see you back here in a couple of weeks. Oh, and let any other Twine writers you know to get involved too. It’d be great to see a whole bunch of new stuff come out of this.


So… Did you enter?

Sadly no. I researched different bits to do, how to work the tools, and understood just how versatile i could make things. However self loathing and apethy kinda got a stranglehold and haven’t let go.

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Those are difficult barriers to overcome; I find it helps to tell so many people that I’m going to do something that I later have no choice but to do it, even if it’s thrown together.

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