The full story of the Dybbuk Box hoax

All possible sins may be limitless, but the sins committed by a single person since birth/creation should be a finite set. You can confess your sins at the last rites without having to enumerate them all, and specify their nature and degree. It may be silly, but you seem to be able to specify all sins in the ritual at least.

I am more worried about the actual process of having your sins taken away. Suppose you go in for a routine operation, and the surgeon says “Oh, and while you are under, and I have you open, is it okay if I make any other changes as I see fit? I think there may be a whole lot of things I could cut once I am in there.” Wait! Does this remove our memory or the sin and our lessons learned? Might this cutting out of the infected bit take out things we need? Maybe some of this stuff is necessary? Can I speak to someone who has had the done, please?

“Sorry kid, time’s up. You are off to the other place now”.