IDK all I can imagine…
Obstructionist waste of a Dem seat is about all.
IDK all I can imagine…
Obstructionist waste of a Dem seat is about all.
Ass. Should I start referring to her as Krysten Minima or Krysten Enema?
0 voters
Enema Maxima?
Not new, but taking advantage of the current (manufactured) uncertainty.
The text of the Constitution does not include the word “sheriff”.
Cross posting in gun legality
Anyone checking in on Alex Jones?
Knowledge Fight is on vacation so no.
Rebranding as DaFuq?
Garbage-ass rapper shows who he really is…
Late stage narcissism too.
Senator Minima, indeed.
How would we tell the difference? It’s not like she’s working right now, anyway.
Can Chuck use a cardboard cutout in Sen Minima’s place to maintain a quorum?
I remember an old Mission Impossible episode where they used one of those masks to replace a woman and gave her plastic surgery to look like someone else against her will.
I might be wrong, but didn’t there used to be a term for politicians who baited and switched their voter base? I mean, besides “asshole”?
“Scurrilous rapscallion” comes to mind too…