The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 1)

My organic, free range, expensive rutabagas will chase the Covid right out of you!


Like conservatives everywhere - it only matters when it happens to the masters of the universe- not average Joe’s and Jane’s.


And then stops mattering once they’re sufficiently far past the experience to lose interest in it.


GOP healthcare plan: Stay immune or die, sucker!

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Let’s all offer our thoughts and prayers to the suffering souls of Big Pharma…

"The hikes come as drugmakers are reeling from effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has reduced doctor visits and demand for some drugs. They are also fighting new drug price-cutting rules from the Trump administration, which would reduce the industry’s profitability.

They include more than 300 price increases from companies like Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline reported by Reuters late last week."


What a royally out of touch asshole.
I guess it would also be a good idea not to live someplace then get your water supply polluted by fracking, or work with benzene, or have someone mine a bunch of asbestos-laden vermiculite nearby, or have your soil contaminated by lead,…
That’s not even getting into all the random genetic and other diseases that we still have little understanding of.
I’m all for a healthy diet, but I hate when people make it out as though if you are ill it’s due to some moral failing.


This reminds me of Moon is a Harsh Mistress where Prof explains why Lunies were so polite. It’s funny how civilization kind of insulates us from physical violence to only replace it with verbal/emotional/structural/etc.


Not surprising to me. Most of the representatives/senators of both parties are anti-welfare-state. It’s odd considering how much the wealth inequality is rising to a degree that one could argue we’re worse off in some places similar to how other countries are like Brazil or other developing nations. Right now people are pacified enough to accept it but I think they know that this will come to a head. They just seem to act as if it won’t come to a head while they’re still alive or in office.


And yet this is at the core of a lot of antivaccine and other sorts of health-related woo. Got cancer? It’s those non-organic veggies you eat! ADHD? Fluoride in the water! Measles? Oh hell no, not lack of vaccine, it’s that beef you eat! And all premised on over-priced, questionably beneficial dietary plans that only the wealthy can access. At it’s root, it makes being poor a moral failing, and everything else springs from that.


Special tax breaks for private jets - not welfare. Money and support to poor people does not stimulate the economy- they just leave it sit in their mattresses. /s


Fun fact there’s about 2x capital in the world so that means there’s like dead money in the economy. I really wish this dead money stuff would be highlighted more.



I really hate these suburban people who come to Philly to mess up our place. Whatever their politics.and there’s always a ton of them.

Mess up your own fucking towns.


Then again, the article’s by the NYP. For all we know, it was seven teenagers who got drunk and tagged a post office, and one of them was wearing black, therefore = antifa.

If the source was a legit paper, then I agree with you. Don’t they have government buildings in Wilkes-Barre?


Suburban white kids were a big part of the riots here earlier in the year. Go shit in your own living room.

Locals had ample reason to riot here and didn’t need you to try and speak for them.


Yup. We had protests and marches in my little suburban town. If anything, it’s more important to drive home that message in suburbia than in urban centers that already get shit upon.


Hey guys, Democrats control the Senate, 50/50! It’s gonna be great! Imagine all the good things we can get done in the next 2 years!

*places a finger to their ear*

Wait, no, I’m sorry, I’m just now being told that Joe Manchin is the 2021 version of known shitweasel Joe Lieberman.


It means any one person can be a fly in the ointment to derail any action unless their personal pork is funded too.


Time for Biden to call Pat Toomey about that Secretary of State vacancy…


Could be a chance to pry some Republicans loose though. Mitch kept them form having to go on record voting against their constituents. That is gone now.