And for me!
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And for me!
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fumes cheer plier paper pager paver
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Guess 5 was lucky.
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I dislike when it gets into multiple choice mode.
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Perhaps I should think inside the box more…
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I thought I was going to get it on guess two
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Better than yesterday I suppose
I play Squaredle daily. With their various updates the game has become more playable and less frustratin. If i solved it particularly quickly I will see where I lie on the leaderboard.
Its annoying to see that the high scores and high speeds are dominated by people running scripts. I dont see how you could solve a 62 word puzzle in just over three minutes with high accuracy (low bonus word count) without some computer assistance. Username h-01 and h-02 finishing next to each other? Really?
Gripe complete.
I always wondered how they solve so quickly. I know that when I play, I often get interrupted by work and sometimes it might take me several hours to complete
M–F. Once I’m finished with the regular words, I often work on bonus words and make my way up the rankings.
The timer is based on when you have the browser window active, so if you go to a different tab or lock your phone the clock stops.
I suspect people are taking a quick screenshot, plugging in the letters to a recursive search, then plugging in the answers to the puzzle.
Ah! That makes sense. I assumed that once you start the game, the clock begins and doesn’t stop until you find the last word on the list.
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Does anyone remember the puzzle that involves a square full of letters one connects to make words (similar to word search), including bonus words, and as one gets further into play some hints start to show up to help finish?
Seems to be an offshoot of squaredle:
No, that’s sort of it and sort of not. Did they really tweak it significantly?
Sure sounds like you’re describing Squaredle.
Tweaks they’ve made
Letters disappear as soon as they aren’t needed anymore. You used to have to wait
The starts-with count now shows up before the used-in count
When you get to a certain point you can see the length of missing words. You used to have to wait until 5pm
Bonuses where you can uncover words.
It is much more enjoyable now.
I finally realized that there must be different Squaredles. The one I was pulling up had a totally different interface that I’ve never seen before and didn’t like, and the other was one I already knew I didn’t like. But then I realized there was a third option!
Not right:
This could have easily failed, got lucky.
roast study steep stick
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