And people can always go back and edit their posts if they realize that they’ve replicated someone else’s post, too. It’s just polite, right?
I have a sick feeling that now vigilant SUV drivers who live in open-carry states will find all this very interesting.
That’s the ideology of capitalist misogyny. It’s why they the earth’s climate is in such dire straits.
don’t worry responsible gun owners would never shoot at someone over this, so everything is perfectly fine. /s
of course, responsible gun owners would never even use their guns in a road rage incident so everything is more than fine, it’s double plus good.
I drive a plug-in hybrid. If someone non-destructively deflates my tires, I’m going to have to pull out the inflator and sit there using more of the charge I put into the battery overnight to inflate them. The next time I charge I’m going to use more electricity than if may tires hadn’t been deflated, or be forced to switch to gas sooner on a longer trip.
My own inconvenience aside, the only possible outcome of deflating tires is using energy from somewhere to put air back in them.
They were on the BBC a while back, happily deflating the tyres of a emergency care nurse who needed to get to work.
Edit to delete - others have said it already.
You’ve certainly upped my self vigilance on this point.
Brings to mind Urban Big Game Hunting in the…late 90s?..early 00s? People would put bumper stickers on SUVs that read “I’m killing the environment. Ask me how!” The sticker had a link to instructions on how to remove it, but you had to click through 4 or 5 pages of climate change information to get to it.
While it’s true that there are way, way more wasteful SUVs out there than there should be, this seems like it’s all about the Extinguishers’ smug self-satisfaction. This won’t significantly reduce the amount of gas used, and this won’t change a single person’s mind and get them to ditch their SUV. If anything, it just makes environmentalists look bad and causes a knee-jerk backlash against more reasonable policies. The only purpose it serves is to make the individuals doing it feel more powerful and superior.
A good high level view in one chart is the old LLNL chart (last updated in 2018 I think): U.S. energy use rises to highest level ever | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(It doesn’t show the level to answer the SUV vs tractor question, but it’s a good reminder of how energy is both produced and consumed)
I mean, we’ve all done it one time or another, but as long as one goes back and notes their mistakes, I think it’s all good.
“It was terrifying to know that someone would come and do this to you.”
Let’s stop debasing the word “terrorism” by using it to mean “things that inconvenience me.”
I will only say this one time: PLEASE do not use my words for pushing your agenda.
Tell me, how do you feel when you walk outside one fine day only to find that some anonymous chucklefuck decided to pour acid on your lawn, slash your tires, and ruin whatever lawn decorations you had, on top of hopping the fence to your back yard, and flooding the back yard by turning on the hose tap full on while you were asleep?
Because that’s happened to me. I’ve had lawn decorations stolen from my front yard enough times that I NO LONGER HAVE ANY WHIMISICAL DECORATIONS out front, because it becomes tiresome, annoying, and expensive to replace said decorations, because some chucklefuck decided they could get 50 cents worth of scrap value out of a $50 decoration that was made from scrap metal.
It’s not an ideology, it’s fucking vandalism and it causes more harm than good.
Ann Arbor has entered the chat. The road to the school my son us currently attending first achieved a failed rating in 2018. It’s not going to be paved again until the water main under it is replaced, but the water project keeps getting pushed off to the future. This road put the final nail in the Stupid Prius’ suspension coffin. A 13 year old car should not have a failed suspension system, but driving it almost exclusively in Ann Arbor caused this to happen.
Snow. That’s why SUVs are so friggin’ popular in the snowbelt states. I’ve finally had enough of driving in snow in a regular front wheel drive. Sure, I could replace the Stupid Prius with a new Stupid Prius with AWD, but the Mitsubishi I pre-ordered gets better combined mileage and my daily drives will all be on the batteries. Yes, it’s an SUV, and bigger than I need. Hopefully it takes more than 13 years to drive it into the ground.
I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but David Foster Wallace had this to say in his excellent commencement speech, “This Is Water”:
The thing is that, of course, there are totally different ways to think about these kinds of situations. In this traffic, all these vehicles stopped and idling in my way, it’s not impossible that some of these people in SUVs have been in horrible auto accidents in the past, and now find driving so terrifying that their therapist has all but ordered them to get a huge, heavy SUV so they can feel safe enough to drive.
Hmm, I wonder why I haven’t heard of these idiots trying this in the US? I couldn’t be because there’s a much higher chance of these busybody vigilantes getting shot, could it? Nah.
The second is that there are a lot of cities that are so behind on their road maintenence that their streets are basically unsafe for a low-clearance/stiff-suspension vehicle. I’ve driven on downtown streets that are worse than gravel forest service roads.
Not helped by the fashion among car companies of selling cars with suspension designed for the Nurburgring or autobahn, and low-profile tyres so they can fit bigger, more impressive-looking alloy wheels.
You’ve been looking in my garage, haven’t you? Guilty as charged.
But road damage is more about lack of maintenence and heavy vehicles.