The Happy Mutant's Filmgoer's and Video Viewer's Companion

Good, wholesome Nazi-killing fun! I look forward to the inevitable “Nazi kill count” videos on YouTube because I quickly lost count of how many Nazis these guys killed - it was a lot!

I recommend a double feature with last years’ Sisu to maximize your Nazi-killing movie night fun.


Episode 2! Elephant man!


Maybe they can do a kickstarter? Does anyone DO kickstarters anymore?


I went to see Furiosa: a Mad Max Saga last night as it was on when I could go and I’ve seen all the other I think (my big brother brought me to see Thunderdome with Tina Turner. Which was kinda dieselpunk and HAD TINA TURNER IN IT so that was fun.

Anyway, there’s no getting away from the fact it looked amazing and the cast were giving it lots and chewing scenery. If you can’t get a kick out of the Big Bad (some Marvel actor or other. They’re all very good at acting, very good looking and super swole) riding around in a war chariot from a Roman era costume drama with three motorbikes on the reins you will like nothing about this.
It was also very very loud, and kinda long, and let’s be honest a bit boring really. I don’t think we see Anya Taylor Joy for a good hour. The kid playing her as a kid is fantastic and all but really, you can do the exposition in 20-30 minutes and make it work better. I guess if you are going to go to this you are going to go.

I recently watched Rolling Thunder which I imagine is some kind of Rambo (first blood) precursor. It was writted by Paul Schrader and has some great actors in it. It’s actually a cheap exploitation movie about how white men need to take revenge on the other (vietnamese people via the proxy of Mexicans. Though I noticed that the Vietnamese person in it had a Japanese name. Whatever.)

Well as soon as their wife and child(ren) are gone anyway. Why do their fantasies involve their wife and children being killed? You went to Vietnam. That’s where women and children were being slaughtered. I digress. But the revenge fantasy in this also took a while to boil over but the brisker running time made that an easier sell. They also (as well as mad Max) mined the prosthetic steel arm used as brutal implements of penetration of flesh in a way which reminds me of Ballard crossed with James Bond’s legendary phobia against disabled people.


Godzilla Minus One for some reason doesn’t have a physical release scheduled anywhere outside of Japan yet. However, it just dropped on Netflix today in many territories. If you wanted to see it and missed out on seeing it in the theater, there’s a more convenient way to catch it now.


I did miss it in theaters… then this made me really want to see it…

I am Mr. Chen, apparently… and it made Dorothy cry, so… :woman_shrugging:


I’m watching Godzilla Minus One Right Now!


Okay… just finished watching it… I get it now. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC


I have to concur.

Though I loved Fury Road (and I really liked Thunderdome as well, since you mentioned it) I still went into the theater with limited expectations, because I know all too well what can happen with sequels/prequels.

While I didn’t dislike it, I am very glad that I went to a matinee showing.

I agree they could have cut that run time down, and I would have preferred to see more of Furiosa’s adaptation to life in the Citadel after she literally slipped out of Rictus’ rapey hands. The wig on the tree was a great shortcut for demonstrating the passage of time, but that conceit should have been used elsewhere in a narrative that was needlessly long.

Also I felt like the character ‘Praetorian Jack’ marginalized much of Furiosa’s already established bad-assery; I would have liked it better if they had not tried to hint at some needless romantic connection, especially when there was no actual chemistry between the actors.


Ok, this is now on my rewatch with red wine list…

Sad Over It GIF by Amanda Cee Media


I think I have my weekend films sorted…


“yes, Janet, life’s pretty cheap for that type.”



:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The book is an eye-opener.


I will look up the film.

ETA, without seeing the film, I somehow doubt they’re related.
I still recommend the book, though.


mum and i watched Under Paris last night. i love silly shark movies, and for me, it was a winner! right up there with my favorite stupid shark movie, Trailer Park Shark.
get out the popcorn for a double feature!


Yeah, me and my family watched it last night, too! Tons of fun, for sure! When they go into the catacombs, and see ALL those sharks at the end… :laughing: Fun times! Also, the death of Mika was insane and spectacular and you could totally see coming a mile away… But the baby shark taking out her head was…

Chefs Kiss GIF by Your Happy Workplace

I feel like they’re setting it up for a whole series of sharks taking over all the coastlines and river systems of the world . There are lots of ways that they can take that… Also, do you think that Adil and Sophia ever got off that roof?


yeah, great fun watching this MST3K style and ripping on inaccuracies. mum and i are both divers and there was sooo much going impossibly wrong in those sequences.
we laughed a lot and had fun!