The Happy Mutant's Filmgoer's and Video Viewer's Companion

Just recently picked this up on blu-ray. SOOO good, and super-influential.




As a stereo photography enthusiast, it’s fun for me to see the White Stereo Realist that this character has around her neck in the movie. AIUI, the movie was originally supposed to be in 3D, and this was a bit of cross-promotion.


Watched this last night…

Holy shit, the fact that the whole bloodbath was set off by Pete Davidson’s character accidentally cutting his own throat and that not being revealed to the very end was FUCKED UP…

Alice was killing me. She had the right mix of entitled and dumb.


This sounds awesome! My better half just read this book and said it was great…


If you live in the U.S., “American Pop” animated movie by Ralph Bakshi (1981) is available for free on Youtube.

[American Pop (]

Via Catsuka

[American Pop - Wikipedia]


free to view.

Kind of reminds me of the british “reality” show where diseases took hold. IIRC, dysentery in an iron age village?


My favorite Ralph Bakshi movie. Probably his most accessible to all audiences.


[Wipe Out: When the BBC Kept Erasing Its Own History | Mental Floss]


About a week ago, I had some rare free time, and decided to see what was on Amazon Prime that I hadn’t seen. And they had the Roadhouse remake, with Jake Gyllenhaal. I’m sure there’s discussion of this movie somewhere up thread, but…ugh. Maybe I don’t remember enough of the original, but I don’t recall finding Dalton to be an irredeemable and unlikeable character, and Gyllenhaal’s version definitely was that. Like, he’s not really much of a good guy. I’m not even convinced he did a good thing at any point in the movie. By the time the movie ended, I just felt a little dirty for having watched it. I remember the original one being violent, but not gratuitously so, and it seemed like mostly a fun movie. Nothing about this remake was fun. At least for me. Did anyone else see this one?


I didn’t, but honestly, we watched the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot from 2010, and I got a similar feeling. I’d always thought that Robert Englund played Freddy with a bit of a camp vibe, and this version just totally snuffed out that feeling, leaning more heavily into the awfulness of the back story of how Freddy became Freddy… Sounds very similar to what they apparently did with Roadhouse…

That seems to be a problem with “gritty reboots” of films from the 80s. It was on reason I really wanted to see the reboot of Toxic Avenger, because from the trailer, it seems like they went with the original, low-budget Troma vibe of that film, rather than trying to make a more… serious? I still don’t think they ever got a distributor, tho…


I should have trusted my gut and shut it off after the opening scene. I just kept hoping it would get better. The opening scene is clearly intended to establish Dalton’s bad ass bona fides. So we see a bar where there’s some amateur MMA fighting going on, and the guy in the ring has just been beating all comers, and doing it easily. That guy is played by Post Malone. A rather pudgy, out of shape, shirtless Post Malone. He is completely unbelievable as a fighter no one can seem to beat, yet that’s who he’s supposed to be. I mean, I like Post Malone, but he’s not believable as a great fighter. Then Dalton comes in to fight him, Malone turns around and sees him, and recognizes him. And immediately starts shaking his head, “Nope. I ain’t fightin him. No way,” and he leaves, and Dalton then takes the money for winning whatever this amateur night MMA was. And that’s how they tell us Dalton is a bad ass.

It was all so unnecessary. First of all, for all of us who saw the original, we know Dalton is supposed to be a bad ass. Second, the rest of the movie literally shows him beating the shit out of people all the time. The whole movie tells us he’s a bad ass. Telling us that with this weird scenario in the opening scene was just pointless. It was such a silly scene.


is this the one supposedly set in the keys? if so, from what i read in the local weekly, other than some establishing shots of the 7 mile bridge, none of it was filmed here. the scenery includes some islands with mountains, and that is most assuredly not the keys.
locals say “skip it”.


Yes, it’s set in the Keys. I don’t remember seeing any mountains, though.


The Keys doesn’t strike me as a place where you find too many roadhouses. I always pictured it as more of a Midwest or Southwest sort of thing. Where you find large stretches of road where there is nobody around for miles.


Well they address that by trying to make it a joke. It’s not a roadhouse. It’s more of a typical beach bar called the Road House.