The horrible world of web hosting

“Ultimately, they are still a shared hosting service”

Well only if you buy their shared host services…

They also offer VPS and dedicated servers.

Ah, true, they do. But I’ve never used their dedicated server service and can’t really comment on that.

I’ve been moving all my domains to them over the past couple of years, and have walked clients through the process of registering and administering domains with them. Highly recommended, in spite of the name.

I abandoned 8 months worth of pre-paid service at GoDaddy and switched to Dreamhost I think due to the elephant hunting thing. It was just the last straw, and bad on me for waiting that long. Dreamhost isn’t perfect, but honestly if you’re paying $10/month or less for hosting, you just are not ever going to have an excellent experience, so just go for a company that isn’t run by bad people and who try their best and at least know what they’re doing. If you do anything but serve up static pages your site is going to be slow at times, really slow at others, on cheap hosting. That’s just the way it is. As long as it’s not on GoDaddy at least you’re not feeding vultures (there may be other vultures out there that I’m not familiar with, and I don’t mean to disparage the good name of actual real life vultures, who are useful creatures).

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